Chapther 15- Princess Who?

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(pictures from Pinterest. Not mine.)


"Your forehead is longer than a Monday morning." Antonio says.

"Your hair is shorter than Summer break." Kaliyah retorts.

"At least mine's is real." Antonio shrugs, bumping playfully into Kaliyah. Nico's mouth drops open dramatically, and he pulls out his phone. The flashlight shining in front of everyone's faces.

"This hair might not be real, but this fade you're about to catch definitely is." Kaliyah says, death glaring Antonio. If looks could kill, he would've been gone by now.

Nico gasps loudly, and Kaliyah moves her fiery glare from Antonio, to him. He quickly cowers down, smiling sheepishly.

Kaliyah and I had came early for practice, but no one was here. Not even the coaches. I would've came with Emily or Amelia, but they said that they don't want to wake up any earlier than six o'clock. That they would never choose to wake up earlier.

Now I'm starting to regret coming early.

Apparently Nico and Antonio wanted to do the same thing, and arrived a few minutes after us. Ever since, Kaliyah and him have been arguing over the stupidest things, while Nico instigates.

I let out a quiet groan, leaning my head against the wall behind me. "I'm just jocin' Liyah." Antonio says, a teasing smirk on his face.

"What I thought." Kaliyah says, crossing her arms. Antonio side-eyes her, looking like he wants to argue back at her remark, but he doesn't do anything.

"Aw man, I wanted to see some action." Nico pouts, finally setting his phone down, and leaning against the wall beside me.

"You're just messy." Kaliyah says, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"No, I'm very much clean. My room represents it." Nico says.

Antonio snickers, and Kaliyah sighs, shaking her head. "Not literally Nico, it just means you in other people's business." She puts it in simpler words.

"Yes, actually, I am ." Nico admits, and Kaliyah shakes her head against my shoulder. The gym door opens, and Coach Lindsay walks in. A duffel bag in her hand and her phone in the other.

We all fall silent, just staring at her and waiting for her to look up.

When she finally does, she looks at us confused. "What are you guys doing here?" She asks, scanning our attire.

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