Chapther 30- The Move

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"What's the move" His voice rings through the phone as soon as I answer. Confused, I mutter a small 'huh' because I don't know what that means.

"You going somewhere today?" He asks, rephrasing his words.

"Yeah I'm at my grandma's house. I'm going to be here all break." I lie straight through my teeth, my voice croaky as I pull the blanket up to my chin and trying not to fall asleep.

A messy low ponytail is what holds the mess of my hair together, and I have a power puff girls PSD set on. A thin tank top covering my bra.

I have no plans of stepping out of my room.

"Yo' ass cap." He mutters, and a hear a door slam in the background, then an engine starting up.

"No. I'm actually with my grandma. She's just baking me a pie right now." I say, running my nails down my hair that has dry gel still in it. It's in need of a deep conditioning and wash.

"Mhm. And that's why you sound like you just woke up?" He hums.

"Her pie makes me sleepy." I yawn out loud, turning onto my side.

"Oh it's done?" He asks me, and I nod even though he can't see me

"You drove there yourself, yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah." I answer absentmindedly, my eyes shutting lazily. Wait hold on, I can't drive. "Wait no! I went in an Uber."

"I thought yo' ass said you drove though?" He asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I mutter.

"I know a way you could shut me up." My interest peaks, and I peer into the camera with raised eyebrows despite this being an audio call.

"How?" I ask.

"You really wanna know?" He says, a teasing tone picking up in his voice.

"Yeah." I say.

"Figure it out yourself." He says before he cuts the call off, finally leaving me alone. My mind finally at rest is able to doze off, but my short nap was disturbed when knocking sounds from the door. Not my room door, but the apartment door.

I wait for it to stop, before I lay my head back down on my pillow, falling asleep again. I let out a frustrated and annoyed groan when it sounds again, this time louder, and annoyance shoots through my veins. It's too early for this. It's only twelve in the afternoon, I have until twelve.

Throwing my blanket off my body angrily I almost stomp over to my room door, swinging it open and making a targeted beeline to the front door. Not bothering to peep through the hole, I swing the door open, glaring up at the tall person on min front of me.

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