Chapther 14- Hot Now

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(Pictures from Pinterest. Not mine.)


play the song if you tryn listen ta sm yb 💚

I make my way over to the two different canopies Kaliyah rented out. With only eight beach chairs. She's never been good at counting.

I scan all the chairs, before settling on the one closest to the end of the tent. Moving all the pink things to the side before I settle down. Tyler sits on the one that's filled with similar things. Probably Amelia's.

I scan the section of the beach in front of us, looking for everyone else who said they were going to come today. I see Jonah and Nico trying to learn how to surf in the water, but are failing miserably.

"Where's Kaliyah and them? Tyler asks from beside me. He knows damn well he's not looking for 'Kaliyah and them'. He's looking for Amelia.

"Is that the code word for Amelia?" I ask him, and he rolls his eyes. He ignores me, still scanning his eyes across the whole beach. His eyes pause on something or someone, and his lips tug up into a smirk. I follow where his eyes are trained, and turn my head back around when I see who he's looking at.

"Don't start." I tell him.

"You say you was looking for Maybelle? My bad, Maya?" He says, increasing his voice level a little bit. I glare at him, and he laughs.

She's wearing a red with highlighter orange bikini with diamonds dripping off it or some shit. Like tassels. I don't know how to describe it, but I do know that her and those diamonds are making it look like she's about to go and perform some type of ritual.

That I don't want to be a part of.

I didn't even want to come, but I knew I would eventually do something dumb when no one else is there. Also, because I don't feel like being social.

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