Chapter 2- Making up

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*her outfit* from Pinterest.

I exit my first class for today, making my way down to Starbucks. Apparently it's a daily thing where they meet at Starbucks after their first class.

It's kinda dumb because not everyone finishes class at the same time but it's whatever.

It's been working out for them anyways.

I enter the store, immediately being met with the aroma of coffee, and smell of different spices.

I walk over to the same table we sat at yesterday, seeing Emily, Nico, Chase and this unfamiliar boy there. His head is leaned back against the booth, and his eyes are closed.

He has black curly hair that is resting against his forehead. It looks messy, but the good type of messy. He has a straight nose, and pink plump lips. The diamond studs in his ears shine when met with the light.

He has high, defined cheekbones, and long eyelashes. He's pretty.

His skin is beautiful too. His sun-kissed skin is how girls wish their tan is when they come out the sun.

And of course he has a sharp jaw. Every boy I've met in this group has one. I want mine sharp like theirs.

He also had tattoos. I can see some of them on his arms, and they trail into his black, tight-fitted shirt.

I stop staring at him, sitting next to Amelia on the booth side.

"Hey Amelia." I greet her, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Hey boo." She offers her drink to me, but I decline it. That has a lot whipped cream, and I don't feel like spending time in the bathroom.

Chase looks like he's in some type of text argument, the way his eyebrows are glaring at his phone and his eyes are scrunched together.

I turn to Nico, to see him scrolling through instagram reels.

"Hey Nico." I greet him.

"Hey Jassy." He smiles at me, taking out an AirPod. I smile at the nickname he gave me.

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