Chapther 3- Assitch

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Outfit she's wearing in arcade *from Pinterest*

Just one more day away from Friday. I can't wait to sleep in till twelve, not bothering to wake up early for school.

Sometimes, I just feel like dropping out of college. Especially now that Ms. Nicole said we'll be having a project in 2 weeks.

At least next month. We just got back to school this week. At least I have people I know in this class, so it's not that bad.

"This is my seat." I hear a deep voice speak from beside me.

I turn to my right, my eyes meeting with Antonio's. This isn't the only seat left in this row.

No it's not, he wasn't even here.

If he's trying to sit next to Chase, he knows there's another space beside him right?

"I don't remember you being here to choose it." I tell him.

"Antonio sit down." Ms. Nicole tells him politely. Nico and Jonah move over to make space for Antonio, Chase does the same.

I move over. Only because I didn't want to cause a scene.

He sits down beside me, his cologne invading my nostrils. He smells good.

"I would suggest you guys start taking notes after this slide, it's going to have some things you need to know for your project."

I sigh, pulling out my MacBook from my bag. That's all she needed to tell me. College tests are hard to review for.

Everyone else does the same while she scrolls through her slideshow.

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