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Tust issues.

Only thing good I have gained from living in Chicago.

Trust issues help with a lot of things. It helps stop you from trusting people easily. It helps you remember why you gained them in the first place. It also helps you to beware. And never forget.

Now, as i'm watching Chicago fade into the background, with my mom sitting beside me, on the way to stay with my best friends, in my old home in Miami, I know im going to have all the people I need with me.


As soon as I get off the plane, I immediately feel the Miami heat slap me in the face. Ok a little dramatic but damn it's hot in this bitch.

As soon as turn off airplane mode, I see a total of 70 messages from both Amelia and Emily.

Big Booty bitchess 🍑 🤧 😮‍💨

They created this name. Not me.

Emily- where tf are you you sneaky bitch. I've been waiting in my car for more than 1 hour and 35 minutes for you to come out and meet your best friends 🥺 .

I'm definitely going to tell her off about her choice of language.

Emily- don't make me go alpha mode on you 😡

Emily- jk but get your fat ass out here before i come and drag you myself.

Thats Emily for you.

Amelia- Jasmin. Get your bags. And get out of the airport. My ass hurts. I warned you more than 3 times before you got on the place. I cannot get any flatter.

Amelia- and besides Emily is about to full on slit my throat if she doesn't see you come out that door in less that 10 minutes. Please hurry at the sake of your favorite best friend.

And thats Amelia.

I swear these two have very different personalities. Emily is more outgoing and social. While Amelia likes to keep to herself or bury herself in books.

Jasmin- I told you guys I  land at 4:00 😂. It's literally 3:39. The flight even landed earlier than it was supposed to.

Emily- Amelia!! You woke me up at 1:00 p.m when her flight landed at 4:00. I still had 1 hour left of sleep to sleep!

Amelia- weren't you the one who pulled up to my house at 12:00 honking you horn loud asf, I might add to get me some we could pick Jasmin up??

Emily- But you didn't tell me her flight landed at 4!!

Jasmin- aren't you guys in the same car..?

Emily- oh

Amelia- oh

I laugh and turn off my phones. They're both idiots. My idiots.

"Amelia and Emily?" my mom asks.

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