Chapther 29- Show Out

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My eyes widen when we step out of the car, seeing the long line that continues around the corner, out of my sight. Is clubbing really that fun?

Unconsciously, my hand moves down to mess with the ruffles along the slit of my dress nervously, when I realize Emily and Amelia are skipping the whole line, moving to the front and gaining looks from people. Not nice ones.

I linger behind them, slowly trailing behind because I have no idea what they're doing, but I just hope it's nothing that'll get us jumped.

They make it to the front of the line, pausing in front of the scary looking bouncer. He's not that scary, he's low key kind of fine with psychotic eyes.

He takes one look at Emily and Amelia before he lifts up the red rope blocking the exit, allowing us in. He sends me a small nod before turning his head forward again, his expression remaining stotic.

I follow after them who seem that they are very familiar with this place. My eyes briefly scan over the large lit up space, crowded with drunk bodies and loud music.

The music blasts through high quality speakers, the loud bass making it possible to feel the beats at your feet. People move passionately to the music, not caring about anyone opinion, just wanting to be carefree.

My eyes widen at the large selection of alcohol presented at the bar. It looks like there could be about two hundred different choices. Probably even more. My mom would have a good time here.

I move up the lit up stairs to this section that overlooks the entire club, giving a view of the whole place. "Wow." I mutter under my breath. I've always avoided coming to clubs but I wouldn't mind coming here.

"My exact reaction first time I came here." Amelia says, pausing to walk beside me when Emily stops in front of a large glass door, another big body man blocking the entrance. Just like the other person, he takes one look at them before opening the door.

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