Chapther 27- Whats Wrong

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Someone that just randomly popped up into my mind is Matteo. Where the hell did he go?

I walk out of my HR class, parting ways with Solomon and Nora, making my way down the long hallways of this big university towards Kyler's class to see if he's there. I've been texting him all morning but he hasn't been answering, leaving me to think that he's tucked into his bed, skipping class. For the third time this week.

There's a high chance for that, but I'm still going to check his class.

Making my way to the big staircase, I walk slowly behind the people waiting to get to their classes, but won't hurry up. Don't people have places to be?

I finally make it up to the second floor, making my way to the classroom 2049, philosophy with Mr. Banks.

Pausing in front of the door with a window stationed in the middle, I stand in front of it like a creep, moving my eyes over every figure sitting down in that classroom. I huff in annoyance when I don't see Kyler's familiar head. He's not here.

I'm going to kill him. If only I had a pink glock with a pink beam and switch to assist me with that task. They're really pretty.

I turn back around to face the stairs, hearing a bunch of commotion, and people moving down the stairs. Shouts and screams of excitement sound, and I immediately turn back around, looking for the other set of stairs.

I think there's a fight going on over there, and I don't want to be pushed down the stairs. I'll get the video later.

Finally finding the other stairwell, I sigh out thankfully, seeing about two to three people either going up or down, spaced out and minding their own business. I don't have another class for another forty minutes, so I could really do anything I want.

My foot moves down the first step, focused on making it down without tripping over my step, until I see a figure leaned against the stair's railing at the corner of my eyes. Black nike hoodie, black jeans, and black travis scott lows.

The hoodie is pulled over their head, and the head is tilted down towards their phone, a toothpick perched in between their teeth. My steps slow down, and I have the urge to turn back around.

Slowly making my way back up the stairs, I make it to the last step, looking over my shoulder when I hear them chuckle at something. Their head is now tilted up, familiar light brown eyes peering into mine.

What is he doing just hanging out on the stairwell? A breath of relief leaves my lips when I realize he isn't some random person that would do something weird. "What you doing?" He asks, and I take slow steps down the stairs.

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