Chapther 5- Stainless blue pot

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picture of her outfit above* from Pinterest

A cup is suddenly slammed on the table in front of me. The some of the contents in it spilling out.

I raise my head to glare at the person, but they're not even looking at me.

Antonio is speaking to Jonah about football.

If he wanted to let me know he was here, he could've done it in a nicer way.

I look at the drink that's left it's traces on the table.

I forgot about the whole 'buy me Starbucks bet' cause Antonio didn't even show up yesterday.

Chase was sticking to his theory of he won and Antonio lost.

I take a sip of the Passionfruit lemonade that's quantity is now less.

"No thank you?" I hear Antonio ask.

"You would've gotten one if you didn't slam it in front of me." I reply simply.

"Didn't want a thank you in the first place." He replies, attitude clear in his voice.

"Then why'd you ask?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"To check if you had manners." He looks down at his phone. "You don't." He adds.

How is he going tot tell me if I have manners or not?

"You slammed the cup in front of me. You don't have manners."

"None for you." He shrugs, a small smirk playing on his pink lips as he scrolls through his phone.

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