93. Don't Speak

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"This is so bloody frustrating!" Sloane groaned as she slammed down what felt like her 400th book that day. She and Draco were currently in the Malfoy library, searching through book after book, trying to find some mention of Ceangalanam couples. So far they knew that the couple were connected souls who had been together in past lives and were destined to meet in each lifetime and fall in love. They often had markings on their bodies which were an exact match to the others showing their belonging. So in other words, nothing they didn't already know.

Goose however was having the time of his life lying up in the cushion on the window bay currently reading 'The Wind And The Willows' as he watched the snow fall outside. "We will find something," Draco said as he set aside another book he had finished with. "It may take bloody years at this point, but we will find something."

As he spoke there was a knock at the library door and Narcissa walked in carrying little Teddy Lupin in her arms and levitating a tray behind her with fresh cups of tea and coffee and plates of sandwiches and tray bakes. "I thought you could do with a little break," she smiled as she moved some of the books aside and lowered the tray onto the desk. "So you have had no luck?"

Sloane shook her head as she lifted Teddy out of Narcissa's hands and set him on her knee. "At this stage Teddy, your cousin and I are going to have to write a book to inform others who will have just as little a clue as we do now." She bounced him up and down gently making him giggle. "Is Andi not here?"

Narcissa conjured a high chair for the little boy, as Sloane sat him in it and gave him some cut up fruit. "She is having a nap. This little one did not sleep very well last night as he is teething, so my sister didn't get much sleep. I said I would keep him occupied for a few hours and insisted she get some rest."

"You're loving this," Draco smirked at his mother noticing how she smiled brightly whenever she was fussing over the little boy. "Having a baby in the house to spoil." Narcissa blushed but nodded. Even without being able to feel her contentment and her longing for a baby, it was obvious that Narcissa was in her element. "Well get your fill with him now as Sloane and I will not be...reproducing until we are ready."

Sloane giggled at this as Narcissa pouted, but she said nothing and instead poured Sloane and Draco cups of coffee and herself a tea. No one said much for several minutes, either eating or simply sitting enjoying the comfortable silence. Silence other than Teddy gurgling or talking to himself as he munched up raspberries and blueberries and licking his hands. Finally, Narcissa sighed. "I wish I could be of more help when it comes to your Ceangalanam situation, but I never knew anyone who was one. I didn't even know Andi was until it was mentioned a few weeks back. I have only ever heard the term in school."

"In school?" Sloane asked now interested.

Narcissa nodded. "It was part of my Ancient studies class when I was in school. It was taught by Professor Woverton, a sweet old lady. I don't remember much of what we were taught unfortunately, it was only a chapter or two in our textbook."

"Ancient magic?" Draco asked confused. "That's not a subject taught any more," he thought back trying to remember if he heard it.

"Well it is," Narcissa corrected. "But these days it's called History of Magic."

"If you want to talk to Professor Binns you are doing it on your own," Sloane chuckled as she wiped raspberry spray off her cheek. "Two minutes with that ghost and I would be snoozing."

"Gee, thanks," Draco rolled his eyes.

They chatted happily to Narcissa and played with Teddy before Narcissa headed off to put her nephew down for his afternoon nap, leaving the couple alone again. Finished with his drink, Draco sat his cup down and moved to sit down next to Sloane on the sofa, taking her hand in his. "What exactly are we looking for?" He knew that Sloane wanted to find more information, but he wasn't sure why, and he wasn't great yet at reading her emotions.

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