Look Who's Stalking

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Warning: Mentions of drug use

The sun rose over Tokyo as the city slowly woke up, and started to go about their day. In the dim light of dawn, there were only a few people on the streets, like tourists in taxis who'd just flown in, street sweepers kicking up clouds of dust, and delivery vans ferrying fish to the tsukiji fish market. Even Kabukicho was quiet, with just the restaurants taking deliveries. Atop a cheap izakaya sat a seedy little apartment, a world away from the luxurious penthouse of Jotaro Kujo. It was studio-style (a polite way of saying "bedsit with a bathroom"), and two men slumbered within. Polnareff groaned as the alarm went off at 6:30am, trying to bury himself into the dingy sheets. He opened his bleary eyes and looked over at his lover, who looked like a radiant work of art compared to his own scruffy morning face. Avdol was tattooed all over with delicate golden designs, hieroglyphics and tarot patterns decked out in glittering gold ink. Polnareff, on the other hand, had just a little grey knight and his Joestar clan mark on his pearly pale flesh. Still, he was rather new to being a gangster, and planned on getting more tattoos, even if it was just to fit in.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Avdol grinned as Polnareff yawned and stretched, his freckles shoulder blades rising. The Frenchman got out of bed, pulling a blanket around him for modesty as the broken Venetian blinds didn't cover much of the window. The noisy ventilation box on the wall outside hummed as Polnareff dumped rice and water into the battered old rice cooker he'd gotten at a flea market, made two cups of coffee, and crawled back into bed with his boyfriend. Being in the Yakuza didn't pay well unless you were really higher-up, and despite being Joseph's right-hand man for several years, Avdol and Polnareff were still scraping for cash at every chance they got.
"You're ok after last night, right?" Polnareff asked, sipping his coffee. It was black and bitter, as milk was just another expense to him.
"Nothing too bad, Habibi." Avdol replied. "That was your first proper gunfight, right?"
"Yeah, it was. Honestly, not as awful as I'd feared." Polnareff joked.
"Still, the boss seemed to be happy, at least with that new sommelier." Avdol said, leaning back against the wonky headboard.
"Y/n? Yeah, he gave her a ride home. Like, do you think he fancies her?"
"I couldn't say, Jean. Kujo likes what he likes, and he always gets what he likes." The Egyptian cringed, thinking of Jotaro's string of ex-lovers. Poor things- not one had made it out happy. The rice cooker pinged, and Polnareff reluctantly crawled away from his lover to get breakfast ready. There was a big deal on today- 50kg of pure Columbian crack cocaine to a wealthy tech mogul who lived in Ginza- and he and Avdol had been chosen to make sure he paid up. 500,000 USD into the Joestar Clan's accounts, and the knowledge that the mogul would just be coming back for more and more as his brain rotted and his body was destroyed by the drug. It was dirty work, but someone had to do it. And that someone was never Jotaro himself.

Meanwhile in Kabuchiko, the most feared man in Japan was going about his morning. Jotaro woke up at 6am every day, and did an hour in the gym- weights, cardio, endurance. Then he'd go and shower, and Kakyoin would have breakfast ready on the table. There was a maid who dusted his apartment, the living room being a huge expanse of pure white bar the little crystal statues of sea creatures, the huge black flat screen TV, and the electric blue fishtank filled with lionfish. The only other colour was a little pink urn on top of the black marble fireplace. Nobody asked what it was doing there, as Jotaro would never talk about it. Kakyoin had prepared shiozake, tamagoyaki, miso soup and white rice, which was all cooking and marinating as he headed to the bathroom. He didn't mind cooking for Jotaro, as it meant that he could make him happy. The mob boss was already in the shower, water and soap suds running down his brightly patterned skin, illuminating his many tattoos. Jotaro had a little Egyptian cat goddess on his thigh, and an egu agba mask on his right hand collarbone. They were from past relationships, which had soured and gone with the wind, but Kakyoin knew Jotaro truly loved him. He was different from them, as they were just "greedy gold-diggers", and he was special. At least that's what Jotaro said. Aside from his face and hands, about 90% of him was covered with ink, like a second skin.

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