Something Wicked This Way Comes

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The night of the bike race was tonight, and you'd spent all evening getting ready. To really rub it into Jotaro that you were now with Dio, you decided to wear the kimono that Jotaro had brought you all those months ago. Dio had bought you a motorcycle and helmet, and you strapped your sword to your back to finish the look. You knew for certain that you'd stand out from the crowd- which was good. Not only was it imperative for you to lure Jotaro over, you also had to look distinctive so that Interpol knew exactly where you were in the case of a firefight. They responded by saying that they had eyes in the crowd, so you knew you wouldn't be alone in this.
"We can't tell you who we've got in there, as the two of you could meet up and blow cover. But know that you're not alone." Rohan had said down the phone.

You'd clipped in your earrings and messaged them as to your location, yet as you walked down to the stretch of road where the race would be held, your stomach churned with tension. What if this didn't work? Would Jotaro kill you? He didn't even know that you were dating Dio, as you'd asked the blonde to hold off on telling him until you were in a public space. Not only that, the races were designated neutral ground, and any quarrels had to wait until after then to be solved. Jotaro couldn't freak out and kill Dio, possibly making one of Dio's goons kill Jotaro, and thus taking away your opportunity for vengeance. It was a perfect storm, and you steeled yourself for what was to come. Tonight, you would kill a man.

You weren't the only one in the crowd with your eyes on Jotaro. Noriaki Kakyoin was somewhat anonymous in his tattered grey hospital clothes, a cheap hoodie covering his red locks. He was standing on the pavement, next to the starting line for the race. Kakyoin didn't know what would happen to him if he was caught, but if tonight went well, he'd be a free man. Free from Jotaro, and possibly free from... Other things, too. Kakyoin didn't like to think about what he'd done, but it was only necessary, anyone else in his situation would've done so too. Servitude or jail- it wasn't much of a choice, but he'd taken it, when they'd offered it to him that night he was hiding in a train station from the rain. He'd wished for vengeance, and they'd offered him a shot, in return for a cleared criminal record and a full rehabilitation at a luxury rehab clinic- provided that he succeeded. Interpol were sons of bitches as far as Noriaki was concerned, but he'd pushed aside his pride for a shot at revenge, just as he's pushed aside his own wants for years with Jotaro.

"Jiji, it's nearly time for the race. Are you coming?" Jotaro called. His grandfather had been sleeping on the couch for the past few days, as he'd been serving as security for the mob boss. Avdol was nowhere to be found, and there was nobody else left from his inner circle, really. There was just a grunt as a response, and Jotaro walked out his room to see Joseph sitting on the sofa, holding an invite in his hand. It said "80" at the top in gold letters, and all the text was gold on a black background.
"It's from him. The man who killed Caesar and Suzi." Joseph said in a deadpan voice. The text below was in Spanish, presumably inviting Joseph to a party.
"Look at him, gloating over how powerful he is whilst I squat in my grandson's flat. What do I care? I'll die soon. We all die, Jotaro, we all rot. And what good have I been? I've only ruined Caesar and Suzi's lives, and drove poor Holly to marrying that thug Sadao and suicide, and pushed you into a life of crime."
"Don't talk about that! I'll kill Dio, gramps, and nobody will kill me. I know I will." Jotaro said, putting his hat on. "It's going to be the good life from now on."
"Life's never good, Jotaro. It just creeps on and on until you die, snuffed out like a candle. It's a walking shadow and never matters." Joseph replied, head bowed. Jotaro sighed and left the apartment, leaving Joseph alone in the dim evening light. Sometimes, Joseph wished he'd just let the feds catch him when he was in the USA, for the pain of being free when everyone he loved was dead hurt more than incarceration ever could.

The street of the race was bustling and crowded, with people even sitting on rooftops to get a good look. One of Jotaro's random thugs was racing for him, whilst Diavolo had his bodyguard Risotto, and Kira had some dude called Angelo. You represented Dio, and you made a point of kissing his cheek and cuddling him in public view. You did this just as Jotaro turned the corner, and he got a full view of you tangling tongues with his worst enemy.
"Y/n?!" He gasped.
"Oh, hello, Jotaro." You said flatly. "Look at this wonderful bike Dio bought me! Isn't it stylish?"
"Y/n's just upgraded to the future king of Tokyo, Jotaro. She didn't appreciate your crack whore boyfriend or your geriatric grandfather cramping her style. Now Avdol's run off and left you, and that fucking French mole? Ha! What a joke!"
Dio kissed the top of your head, then gave Jotaro the evil eye.
"She's a fine replacement for Vanilla, which I'm still upset about, by the way. Are you going to do the same to her as you did to him?"
"What a creep." You sneered. But as Dio led you away, you looked over your shoulder, and put the first step of your plan into action. You looked Jotaro very deliberately in the eye, and whispered "Help me."

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