Date Night

195 6 13

"So, who's the lucky guy?"
Yumi leant against your bedroom doorway as you texted Jotaro again, agreeing on where to meet up to talk about Sake. He'd suggested an Izakaya in Kabukicho, and you'd agreed. You were currently putting on some earrings, dressed in your formal attire of a brightly coloured blouse and a black pencil skirt with sensible black heels. You could swap to casual date clothes when Jotaro suggested it, and Interpol had told you to play it more formally on the first date, just in case he really was only interested in sake.
"Oh, just a date." You replied, adding mascara to your lashes. Yumi grinned at this, and sat on your bed.
"Oh really? What's his name?" She asked.
"It's a blind date." You replied, not saying a word about your true motives. Yumi just raised her eyebrows with a smirk, and stood up.
"Well, have fun with your mystery man. I've got a job to be getting to." Although it was Saturday, Yumi had agreed to do a few hours in the afternoon at her job in order to get more pay. You grabbed your handbag, waved her goodbye, and headed off to Kabukicho.

As you headed down the streets of Shinjuku, the businesses grew less formal and more seedy. Soon, the streets were full of pachinko parlours and "massage" places, with seedy looking bars crowding street corners. The only exceptions to this were Matsuzaki's (still closed for repairs) and the Inarikio shrine. It was a little Shinto shrine just outside the main street of Kabukicho, and you still had half an hour until you were due to meet Jotaro. You could make the time to pop in. You were unsure about whether or not you believed in God, but it couldn't hurt to have local spirits on your side on such a dangerous mission. You bowed before the gate, and put your left foot forward as you walked in. Shinto dictated that the space of a shrine was actually part of the realm of the Kami, so you'd have to be respectful. You washed your hands and mouth in the provided basin, then stepped forward to the shrine. Lonely Planet had told you to put a coin in the box, bow twice, then clap twice before praying. You did this in the correct order, then looked up to the little fox statue on the plinth. It stared down at you judgementalky, as if it was questioning your bad ideas and the situation you'd ended up in.

Prayer required no spoken words, which you were glad of, as what you wished was too foul to say out loud. You couldn't allow yourself to be soft, gentle and kind when thinking about Jotaro. You had to be cold, cruel, yet paint yourself as being sweet and docile. You imagined the Kami taking you in their grasp, and wringing you out like a wet towel, squeezing out all your kindness when it came to Jotaro.
Make me seem as if I am a sweet flower, even if it is to just hide the serpent beneath it. Take me, spirits, and shred me of my compassion for this man. Fill me from top to toe with cruelty, hatred and disgust for him, yet make my words sound as sweet as can be when he speaks to me. I shall not be some sweet little thing for him to corrupt, take my innocence and make me jaded against all of Jotaro's existence. Let me deceive him, and may I not rest until I have hunted this wicked man down to the ends of the earth, and avenged Midler, and all the many others he has hurt.

Then you bowed once more, left the shrine, and bowed a final time. It was time to re-enter the living world, and face off with Kujo Jotaro.

You arrived at the Izakaya, and sat on a little red bar stool. It was a typical Izakaya, with a wooden facade, red awning, and several stools against a bar where the bartender grilled meats on a little griddle as a deep fryer hissed away behind a curtain in the kitchen. With a bottle of sake you'd picked up earlier in hand, you saw Jotaro's familiar white coat swinging through the streets of Kabukicho. People slid out of his way as he approached, before he sat down next to you at the Izakaya.
"Y/n, my little sommelier." He smiled, yet his eyes showed no mirth. "What have you brought for me this time?"
"This is a Junmai Daijingo from Hokkaido, it's got a rather delicate earthy taste. It should be good with salmon and sweet fruits, like peaches." You replied. You pulled out the bottle, and Jotaro smiled.
"Did you get that with the money I gave you?"
"Yes, sir." You replied. Technically Interpol had gotten it for you, but Jotaro was the reason you were working with Interpol, so it wasn't wholly a lie.
"No need to call me sir. Just call me JoJo, it'll do." Jotaro said, brushing a strand of hair from your face. You giggled, uncorked the bottle and poured two glasses, as Jotaro ordered some seafood skewers and white peach mochi ice cream.

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