When the hurly-burly's done

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Japan is a beautiful country in the summer. The trees seem to glimmer like a fistful of emeralds, and the rivers glimmer like a swarm of turquoises frothing with bubbles and foam of purest pearl. Convenience stores sell out of ice creams and frozen drinks by midday, and people flock to the seaside to cool off in the sea. Chureito Pagoda stood out amongst the green trees, a bright crimson tower amongst their verdant backdrop. Mount Fuji sat in the background like a big friendly blue giant, cutting the sky in half with its sheer size. And today was an exceptionally beautiful day, as it was the day you and Jotaro... Sorry, Qtaro Qujoh were getting married.

You were incredibly nervous, as you'd never been married before, especially not under a fake ID. What if you got busted in the middle of the wedding? However, as you lay awake the night before your big day, Jotaro leaned over to you to whisper words of affection.
"I got us American IDs and citizenship. We'll be US citizens, and I'm not as wanted over there. Anyway, nobody will recognise us with fake names and plastic surgery." He whispered.
"Jotaro, you've thought of everything." You whispered back.
"Try to get some sleep, it's an important day tomorrow." He kissed you on the cheek, and rolled over in bed as you closed your eyes and snuggled up under the duvet. And now here you were, being decorated in a white silk kimono and a matching tsunokukushi headdress. Your lips were painted red, and you were getting ready in a small side room for the ceremony. Aside from the two mandatory witnesses and the priest, there wasn't anyone else here- it would be a small, quiet affair. It was a lot more exciting than just going to the registry office to sign the form, but you still wished you could've invited your parents. But would they even recognise you? You lifted a hand to your face, which had been altered very slightly with plastic surgery a few months ago. Slightly higher cheekbones, a slightly pointier nose, and somewhat plumper lips. The differences were small, and had all healed, but it wasn't your face. Still, you might grow to like it someday, as you didn't really have any other choice.

There was a knock at the door.
"Madam? It's time." One of the miko of the shrine said. You opened the door and stepped out, walking up the little cobbled path to where Jotaro waited in his black and white robes. The plastic surgeon had lasered off all of his tattoos bar the one over his heart, and made a little scar over one of his eyes, making him look rakish and daring. You put your left foot over the threshold, past the red gate, and couldn't help but get that tingle you always got on holy ground nowadays.
"You look amazing." He whispered to you as you reached him.
"You look amazing too..." You smiled.
"We are gathered here today to bless the union of Qtaro Qujoh and (fake name), and to wish and pray that they shall have happiness, peace and harmony in their wedded life." The priest began. You ritually cleansed yourself with the provided water, before the old priest and the various miko all clapped twice, and bowed.
"If you shall allow me to lead us in prayer- I pray to the Kami of this shrine that this couple shall be together for better or for worse, through richer and poorer, through sickness and health. May they live out the rest of their days in marital bliss, promising to love and cherish one another as they should."
You eyed the inari statues warily. You'd had enough strange Kami encounters for one lifetime, and yet nothing seemed to happen. You squinted at the statue, and fast as the drop of a hat, it winked- before it was just cold stone again.

The miko poured out sake, and you took three sips each from three small cups of it. After this, Jotaro took out his vows of commitment, and started to read them out.
"(Fake name)... I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you. You are my angel, my darling, the sweetest flower in the forest. I knew you were the perfect one for me this whole time, and I swear on my heart that I will protect, love, and honour you. And if I should fail at this, then let the gods strike me down dead. Will you take me as your husband?"
"Yes, yes, yes!" You cried.
"Then I'll take you as my wife." He smiled, tears of joy running down his face. The priest handed you a sacred branch, and poured out sake for everyone as you and Jotaro kissed.
"I am never going to stop loving you." He said, cupping your face as happy tears fell from your eyes.
"And I'll never abandon you, Jotaro." You replied, taking his hand as the few guests cheered for the happy couple.

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