6,000 steps

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Note: I do not wish to fetishize or demonize the Kami and Japanese beliefs in this story. I am simply featuring them to link back to y/n's prayer earlier.

Kakyoin sat on the floor of the apartment, shivering like he'd just climbed out of an industrial freezer. He was an absolute wreck- his hair was lanky and greasy, he was thin as a skeleton, and the dark circles under his eyes stood out horribly against his pallor. Polnareff tucked him under the kotatsu, and put a towel around his shoulders.
"What do you mean, he got bored?" Avdol asked. Kakyoin tensed up, then let out a loud, keening wail. It sounded like all the misery he'd been carrying around, bottled up and released as one huge scream.
"He doesn't want me! He said... At the party, he said I was nothing to him when Dio's goons were holding a gun to me! My life has no fucking meaning anymore!"
He went to slam his head on the table, only for Polnareff to catch him by the shoulders.
"Kakyoin, don't! I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but you can't go hurting yourself over things like this. Me and Avdol, we'll look after you if he doesn't want you around anymore."
"You don't understand! He was the only source of my cocaine, I'll be going cold turkey. You don't want to deal with that."
"We can't take you to a doctor, nobody will treat you without snitching to the police. So we'll have to just look after you here." Avdol said, turning on the kettle to make Kakyoin some matcha. "We'll watch you around the clock to make sure you don't relapse, and I'll do some research at the library once I've got some spare time."
"Nori- we're here for you. And I'll always be keeping tabs on you, no matter what Jotaro does. You can trust us, we won't betray you." Polnareff said. And as much as Kakyoin was thankful, part of him was telling himself that they'd abandon him too, just like everyone else did.


In Kyoto, you and Jotaro had just left the onsen. The rain was drizzling down, large droplets falling from overhanging leaves and glittering like stars. Luckily, Jotaro had brought an umbrella for the trip, so the two of you huddled beneath it. Kyoto's black paved streets glistened in the wet weather, yet you could hardly call this rain relaxing. Forget Interpol- could the Kami be making your prayer come true? Could they really be making Jotaro fall in love with you?
"Y/n, have you ever been to Fushari Inari?" Jotaro said suddenly, making you jump. "It's a beautiful Shinto shrine, and I'd like to take you. We can thank the Gods for helping us come together." The idea absolutely horrified you, and it wasn't just because of the rainstorm making you suspicious. How else would Jotaro try to prove his "love" to you? Would he burn down all of Tokyo to keep you warm?
"Sounds... Lovely." You replied. Sweet words seemed to fall easily from your lips when speaking to Jotaro, no matter what you truly thought about a situation. You were still in just Jotaro's coat over your stained party clothes, and it wasn't easy to hobble over the cobblestones in high heels. He noticed this, and stopped walking.
"You're walking funny. We should go and get you some good clothes, you can't walk around in that bloodstained rag. And it's 6,000 steps to the top of the mountain, you'll break your ankle in those heels." He said, looking concerned. "I'll get you some designer gear... And a kimono! Yeah, I'll go and get you a kimono, then we'll visit the shrine, then I'll go buy you some more clothes. How does that sound?"
"It sounds brilliant, JoJo!" You replied, genuinely relieved. Maybe he'd forget all about the shrine, as you couldn't bear to be around all those little statues, stepping on holy ground that was said to be the domain of the Kami. After all, you had prayed and left a donation- now it was their turn to do their role, and to fulfil your prayer exactly as you said you wanted it.


Kakyoin tossed and turned on a spare futon, looking pale and sweaty. His system was distressed now that he was going cold turkey, yet he wouldn't back down. Backing down meant that Jotaro won. He didn't even care if he had a seizure, he would beat his addiction NO MATTER WHAT. There were goosebumps all over his skin, and Polnareff made sure that his head was on the side and his mouth was open as he slept, in case he threw up.
"Poor thing. This life is killing him. Well, it kills us all, but it's killing him faster." Avdol said, setting down the first aid kit. He and Polnareff were taking shifts watching over Kakyoin, and they were carrying personal alarms with them in case he woke up and got violent, so they could alert each other.

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