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You waved goodbye to Yumi at your apartment building, and headed down the road to the launderette, cake box in hand. You hoped that the lady there liked loaded raspberry chocolate crepes, as that was what you'd gotten her. As you walked down the road, an anonymous black van pulled up alongside you, and two men stepped out. One had a pompadour, and the other had a scarred face. They both wore anonymous black suits with coils of wire in their ears, and seemed to recognise you.
"Miss y/n l/n?" The pompadour one asked. "You're gonna have to come with us."
"What do you mean?" You said, backing off. You were wishing that you'd taken your mace with you, as this didn't look like it would end well.
"We know that you've been involved with the Yakuza, and we're going to have to take you in." The scarred one said. You froze, absolutely stunned, before attempting to make a runner.
"She's getting away!" The scarred one yelled, as pompadour grabbed you from behind, immobilising your wrists behind your back. He slammed your head against the van, making the metal shake, before a chloroformed bag was stuffed over your head and you passed out.

"Y/n.... Wake up, y/n..."
Slowly, you opened your eyes. You'd been tied to a metal chair with zip-ties, in what looked like a large, minimalist office. Sitting before you, behind a desk with a computer and a few small framed prints of famous pieces of art, was a man in a suit with green hair.
"Do you know why you're here, y/n?" He asked in a clipped accent.
"I got kidnapped by two thugs. Who the hell are you, a rival gang?!" You glared, making the man laugh.
"That couldn't be further from the truth, y/n. My name is Rohan Kishibe, and I am the head of the Japanese branch of Interpol. We received information from our  undercover agents yesterday that Kujo Jotaro had taken an interest in the sommelier at Matsuzaki's restaurant, and security footage shows his lackey Noriaki Kakyoin- wanted for murder, GBH,  hacking, illegal street racing, Class A narcotics possession and dealing, and major fraud and embezzlement, offered you money."
"I took it because I was scared of them! I'm not involved in the Yakuza!" You yelled, making Rohan laugh.

"Involved? No, y/n, you aren't in any trouble. We're contacting you because we want your help, and we shall pay generously.
"You want my help?" You asked. "What do you want me to do, spike his sake?" Rohan laughed at this, before shaking his head.
"Officers Nijimura and Higashikata, have y/n untied and bring her something to drink. We have business to discuss." The two officers untied you, and the one with a pompadour slid over a cup of coffee from the drinks machine.
"I had you brought here because you've got Jotaro's attention. Kujo Jotaro is not a sociable man, and yet he's had money sent to you, as well as giving you a ride home in his private limousine in return for you bandaging his wound. Not only that, we know for certain that you have his number, as we searched your bag. We've got reason to believe he's infatuated with you."

You spat out all your coffee at this.
"He WHAT?!"
"He's in love with you. Or at least, what he thinks love is." Rohan reached for a file, and leafed through it.
"We want you to pose as an admirer of his. Act like you're in love with him, gain his trust, and help us gather information. We'll pay you a high wage for this, tax-exempt, with a bonus if you're the one to actually get him busted. We know he's linked to every drug den, illegal organ harvest or shootout in this city, we just can't find any proof. And anyway- spending time with Jotaro will let us build a psychological profile, so we can study his thought patterns.
"So I just need to act like I'm in love with him?" You asked.
"Exactly! Girls love bad boys." Rohan replied, rolling up his shirt sleeves and lighting a cigarette. You pondered this for some time, wondering if it was worth risking your life. You'd be paid well, and you'd help prevent the huge crime rate in this city from going up any further. And still, it wasn't like the cash under your mattress would last forever.

"Fine, I'll do it." You replied. "But how do you know I'll be a good choice?"
"You're the only sake sommelier in the area. Like it or not, he'll be interested in you." Rohan replied. You sighed, wishing you'd gone into accounting instead, before accepting that you were pretty much up shit creek without a paddle.
"We'll get you to read up on exactly what Jotaro had done, and how to appeal to him. But first, I want to show you something." Rohan said. He dug around in his filing cabinet, and pulled out a blueprint.
"It's a bug, disguised as an earring. If you wear this at all times when you're with him, we'll get a feed of what Kujo is saying."
"What, really?" You asked.
"It's all true. Now, y/n, I hope you've got a strong stomach. Because the information on Jotaro's inner circle isn't for the faint of heart."

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