Daddy Issues

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TRIGGER WARNING: DISCUSSION OF SUICIDE. Feel free to skip if you want to.

You were on the phone to Rohan again, shut in the bathroom. Jotaro was out, and since it was soundproofed you knew you were safe.
"Y/n, you did excellently yesterday. Getting all that information on Jotaro AND Avdol? You're just confirming our suspicions on all of them." Rohan said.
"Do you want me to do any more digging?" You asked.
"Oh, definitely! Try to get some dirt on Joseph, we've got some stuff on him, but if you can get him to talk about his past exploits, that'll be great. He longs for those glory days of his, really."
"Alright, I'll get what I can. But how do I get him to brag?" You asked, tucking your feet up on the toilet seat.
"Chat him up. Wait until you're alone with him- he's drunk a lot, he'll sing like a bird- and play the flirt."
"But I'm with Jotaro! I'll get busted!" You cried.
"What? Joseph will walk over to the grandson who he's already dishonored once, and say "hi Jotaro, I chatted up your girlfriend?" Not likely, he'll either lose more fingers or just flat-out die. You've got a fool-proof chance here, y/n."
You sighed, but you knew you had to agree. Every bit of evidence was useful in this case, and you'd signed up for this.
"Alright, I'll do it. But you'd better pay me double." You said. The line went dead, as Rohan hated saying goodbye, and you stashed your phone back into your pocket.

Funnily enough, the chance to chat up Joseph came just a few days later. Jotaro, Polnareff and Avdol had gone out on business, as there'd been rumours of one of Dio's spies sniffing around their territory. You were left alone with Joseph, who promptly sat on the couch with a bottle of whisky, turned on the TV, and tried to drown out the world outside. The stage was set, and now it was your cue to do what you must. You opened your wardrobe, glad that Jotaro had brought you so many clothes, and pulled on a pair of high-waisted denim daisy dukes and a red-and-white gingham cropped top with white lace. You did your hair in thick curls with your barrel iron, and slid on a pair of red high heels. With a touch of cherry-red lipstick and a little beauty spot via an eye pencil, you looked like a 50s pinup girl. You pouted at yourself in the mirror, then trotted into the kitchen. The fridge was always stocked with good food, most of it being luxury prepared ready-to-eat stuff, and a mix of Japanese and imported western food. Pulling a wooden board out the cupboard, you covered it with a spread of cheese, charcuterie meats, fruits and crackers, and added a cheese knife. You baked a camembert studded with garlic, and arranged meats and little pots of honey and chutney on the board, yet Joseph didn't even look at you once. He must've been watching the show, or just zoned out, as he did often. Inspiration struck you then, and you made yourself a cherry cola float in a tall glass, to aid the "sexy 50s" look you were going for.

Joseph was born in the 1930s, meaning that you were dressed like the beauty standards from way back when he was young and in his prime. It was hard to tell, looking at the old drunk he had become, but he'd once been an absolute heartthrob.
"Hi Joseph..." you trilled, walking into the living room. He looked at you through a drunken haze, and you put down the charcuterie board as you sipped your float.
"I came to be with you, because you looked lonely. I wanna fix that." You said, looking up at him as you sipped from the straw. Joseph sat up, laughing slightly to himself at the sight of you.
"You're looking cute, doll. Where'd you get that outfit?" He asked, deciding to humour you. Yeah, you were a nice piece of ass, but he was way too old for you now. Anyway, you were with Jotaro, it would be pathetic to leech after his grandson's gal.
"Oh, Jotaro brought it for me. He's a rich guy, but he's always busy..." you said, twiddling your necklace. Joseph snorted, and you picked up a slice of ciabbatta from the plate. You added butter and soft french cheese, and held it out to Joseph.
"Come take a bite." You teased. He leaned forward and bit into it, taking it from you. You gave him low-lidded bedroom eyes as you took a fig from the board, drizzled honey all over it, and big in.

"I get lonely too sometimes, Joseph. Jotaro... He's nice to me, but he's not got dignity. I have a thing for men who are older." You kept teasing, fluttering your lashes and tossing your hair, and you could tell that you'd grabbed Joseph's attention by the dick. Who was he to miss his chance? He was still a horny bastard after all these years, and nobody had to know about this. He lifted your head with one finger, and pressed his lips to yours. His beard was soft yet a little scratchy, and you gave little appreciative moans as he kissed you with tongue.
"Malt whiskey on your breath.... My my." You teased. You straddled his lap, and slid your hands under your shirt to squeeze his pectorals. He still had abs of steel under the grey chest hair, and you gave a soft moan as you started to rut on his thigh.

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