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Warning: Lime and brief description of sex. Please note that the lime scene is CONSENSUAL, it's just very disappointing for reader-san. If you're under 18, please don't comment on this one

"You're doing WHAT?!"
Yumi stares at you with shock as you packed up your suitcases, planning to move out to live with Jotaro. He'd sent you a text offering for you to move in, and you'd accepted. Sharing a flat with him would let you gather information 24/7, and would also make him more trusting of you.
"Y/n, Jotaro is a murderer! He's a thug, a criminal! He's no good at all!" Yumi was usually so composed, and yet she was quaking on the spot here, her hair messy and unwashed.
"What about the rent and bills?!" She cried.
"I've organised for them to be paid. Yumi, this might just be temporary, don't worry. I won't let them hurt you." You said, trying to comfort her, only for her to pull away.
"It's not me I'm worried about, girl! It's you! You know that one of Jotaro's exes got shot up at a fight, and the other was stuffed full of cocaine until he's a zombie? And the first girlfriend he ever had got all her teeth ripped out and ended up living in squalor!"
"Yumi, it won't end like that! This time, it'll be different." You said. She folded her arms and shook her head, but then looked up at you.
"Fine. Go and do it, go date Jotaro Kujo. You said you'll still pay your rent on this place, so... I don't care! Just go and ruin your life if it's so important!"
And she walked out and slammed the door.

You felt bad for Yumi all day as you finished packing up your stuff. You hadn't meant to hurt her, but she was still distraught, acting like you'd been diagnosed with something terrible. She wouldn't even talk, she'd just gaze at you with pity. At 3pm the doorbell rang, and you picked up your bags. Jotaro had said he'd send a driver to pick you up then, and he was there perfectly on time.
"Goodbye, Yumi. I'll call, and we can still meet up!" You said. She just sighed, her head hanging low so that her hair dropped over her face in a shiny black waterfall.
"Do what you must." She said. You hadn't considered this Interpol job losing you friends, but now you were being faced with the very real possibility. You hugged her, whispered one last apology, then headed downstairs as duty was calling.

The car sent to collect you was a black 4x4 with tinted windows, boxy and brutalist. It stuck out on the Tokyo streets like a sore thumb, and the window scrolled down as you approached. Avdol and Polnareff were in the front seats, both wearing suits and reflective sunglasses.
"You're here! Hop right in, this car's really hot inside and I can't wait to get out." Polnareff said.
"Jean-Pierre, not in front of the lady!" Avdol replied, looking scandalised.
"It's ok, guys, you don't have to silence yourselves around me." You said, putting your cases in the boot. You got into the backseat, feeling the plush black leather of the interior on your skin. Polnareff was right, it was pretty hot inside, and you felt like a pizza in a microwave.
"We've got her, boss, coming in now." Polnareff said down the phone as Avdol started the car and drove off.
"So, you're his new girlfriend." Avdol said, keeping formal as he was on business.
"He'd better be treating you well! I mean, he's buying you loads of expensive things, so he's got to be." Polnareff grinned.
"Well, he got me a gorgeous dress, and these lovely pearls, and some plushies, and some other things too." You replied.
"No, ah... Sampling the merchandise?" Polnareff asked.
"What? No!" You replied. You were keeping your guard up around Polnareff, as his little comment on your earrings had sent your paranoia sky-high.
"Don't worry, nobody's listening in, and I wouldn't judge if you did. Well, each to their own, I guess. But don't bring up drugs around him." The Frenchman said.
"A shipment was intercepted and he's furious about it. But he'd never take it out on you." Avdol muttered, keeping his eyes on the road.
You headed up to Kabukicho, down winding streets lit with red lights until you reached a towering apartment block, all made of plate glass and shiny chrome metal.
"He's in the penthouse suite. We'd offer to carry your bags, but we're not allowed in." Avdol said.
"See you around, y/n. Hope the boss keeps you!" Polnareff called, before they both got back into the car. You were left alone, staring up at the monolith that Jotaro called home.

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