Can't get you out my head

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You thought you'd been sore before, but this was unlike anything else you'd ever felt. Every bone and muscle in your body was burning, feeling as if they'd been stretched out on a rack and left out to dry in the sun. You'd told Yumi you wanted to get back with Interpol and hunt down Jotaro a few weeks ago, and ever since then you'd been at one of their police training facilities. You'd arrived on the bus there for the month-long course on combat and survival skills, and as much as the gruelling pain of the training hurt, the humiliation of having to apologise to Rohan stung even more. He'd called you up into his office when you'd arrived, and you'd stood there before his desk, trying to look sorry and meek as he gloated over you.

"I'd rather like an apology for all those foul words you said to me, y/n. After all, I am your boss now, and I am responsible for making sure you can kill Jotaro, as you demanded to Yumi. I shan't deny your request, as you're an important pawn to use and Jotaro doesn't know you were a mole, but I still can't abide how rude you were." He stirred his black coffee with a silver teaspoon, and sucked on it as he stared at you. You stood there in your standard-issue grey sweatpants, blue shirt and trainers, and stared at your feet. You weren't even training to be a cop, you'd rather gargle glass than do this work for more than was absolutely necessary, but he expected you to act like he was superior?
"I'm waiting...." Rohan purred.
"I'm sorry." You said.
"You're sorry what?"
"I'm sorry, sir."
"Excellent! Go and report to the barracks, you'll be expected for a physical exam soon. And don't let me down, y/n, because this Jotaro nonsense has gone on for more than long enough. Somebody needs to take him out for good, so you'd better."

That was a few weeks ago. After that ordeal in Rohan's office, you'd been given a thorough examination by the on-site doctor, and were sent out with the other female recruits to an assault course. It was a huge contraption of ropes, nets, walls, ladders, logs and mud, and looked like it would very happily kill you if it could. You stood in a line with the other female recruits, all of whom were tall and athletic. The instructor stood before you, her hands on her hips and a baseball cap jammed over her head. It was raining heavily, churning up the soil and turning it to mulch.
"When I blow this whistle, you will all cross the course. There will be no complaining, and no attempting to cheat, or you will be dropped from the programme! AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR?!" She screamed with a voice like a foghorn.
"Yes ma'am!"
The instructor blew her whistle, and the group surged forward. You ran for the low wall that came up first, and hauled yourself over it with the provided rope. Below it was   a set of ladders suspended over a muddy pit, and you slipped and fell in.
With a groan, you hauled yourself out, three paces behind everyone else. You scrambled up the ladder, just managed to haul yourself across the monkey bars, and slid down the hillock towards the cargo net. Many people were getting tangled in it, but although you got further than a few, you were still nowhere near the fastest 50%. This was just a trial to see how well you could do before training, but you kept pushing yourself still. You had to keep going! After the net (and several rope burns) came a tunnel full of sludge you had to crawl through, and then the final hurdle, a rope that had to be climbed. You grabbed it and hauled and hauled, but hard as you tried, it was absolutely torturous. You gritted your teeth, sweat dripping from your face as your arms screamed out for mercy. After what felt like hours, you reached the top of the platform, and scaled the second rope down. Looking behind you, you saw that there was nobody there- you'd come last.
"Rohan isn't going to drop you, l/n. But if you want to make something of your sad little life and kill Jotaro, you'd better ace this fucking course by the time this training is over! My grandma runs faster than you!" The instructor barked. You internally groaned, but managed a "yes, ma'am!"
"Good. Now everybody, back to the start. We're doing this all day."

After a whole day of the hideous training course, you had blisters on your feet and callouses on your palms. Everything hurt, and as you limped back to base, you thought over your situation. Jotaro wanted Dio dead, so how could you remove Dio from the equation? Jotaro would just keep going until Dio had been killed, so he'd do anything to kill Dio. Could you work a trap out of this? Just then, Rohan stepped out of his office, a load of files under his arm.
"Rohan! I have an idea about how we can get through to Jotaro!" You said, limping over.
"And what's that?" He said, unimpressed. "Will you hobble at him?"
"We use Dio against him as a pawn. Dio's always trying to one-up Jotaro, so I flirt with him online so he'll want to get with me to make Jotaro jealous. Then, I'll message Jotaro, and tell him Dio's captured me. I'll get them both into the same location, and you can get Interpol in!"
"That's genius!" Rohan said, genuinely surprised.
"Well, if I had to live like a Yakuza, I start to think like one. I ought to get a sword and kill Jotaro like one." You said, just thinking aloud, but something lit up in Rohan's eyes.
"Yes, a katana... A yakuza's katana... How fitting. It would put an end to the other leftover gangs top, knowing that the most feared gang boss had been killed by a mole who could fight like one of their own..."
He wandered off, his files shedding paper. As you went to go and take a warm shower, a thought came into your mind.
Where was Jotaro now? And what was he doing?

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