94. What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted

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Draco and Sloane brought up their theory the following evening when Narcissa had the entire Shacklebolt family over for dinner as well as Tina and Newt who were back after spending Christmas Day back home. Thailia and Teddy were in high chairs passing food between the two of them giving poor Joanna a heart attack as Thailia was had just turned 2 years old and was able to handle food slightly better than 8 month old Teddy.

"You want me to check within the Ministry records to see if we have what?" Kingsley asked as he sipped his wine.

"The Ministry, I assume keep records of all the wizarding families in the UK, am I right?" Sloane asked.

Kingsley nodded, pushing his leftover steak around his plate. "We do, but that is not common knowledge. How did you -"

"Ministry in New York, did the same," Sloane explained. "Tina told me."

Tina smirked. "Sloane always had an interest in Ministry life. She always had 1,000 questions when she visited and wanted to know every job there was too, she wanted all the facts before she picked the career she wanted." Sloane blushed and rolled her eyes. "But why do you want to know about the UK families?"

Sloane smiled to Draco. "We want to know if there are any known Cupids in the UK."

Draco who was holding her hand continued. "Dumbledore said a Cupid lived in France but who's to say there isn't one here in the UK."

"And if we could meet a Cupid, we could ask what they know about the bonding ceremony and what to expect so we know." Sloane looked up as the parents all looked concerned, and her cousins looked confused. "Can we continue this away from...innocent ears?" She gestured to Zenaida and Kovu both frowned, not completely understanding what was going on but having a case of fear of missing out.

"Did you know," Narcissa smiled to the kids, rising from the table. "That when my sister and my nephew moved into the Manor with me, I renovated a few of the rooms for Teddy." She walked out into the hall with everyone following behind. She moved across the foyer and slid back one of the large mahogany doors. "One of them was this drawing room which we converted to a play room." The room, which used to be a simple room with a chaise and bookcases and paintings that Narcissa would sit in and read while Lucius did Merlin knows what in his study. Now it was a bright room, with more toys and games than any child could ever need. The walls were white with a beautiful rainbow painted on one wall and coloured rain drops on the others. There was a full sized climbing frame complete with swing, slide, and monkey bars as well as soft play equipment, and treasure chests full of toys with a large doll house and a few bookcases with children's books. A large rocking horse sat under the window, a ball pit filled with colourful balls and easels for painting. In the middle of the room, there was a child's size table and chairs and a small set of drawers with markers, crayons, pencils, paper and stickers, glue and glitter. The room was a kid's dream.

Zenaida and Kovu squealed with delight as they set off running into the room with little Thailia running after them. Andromeda smiled at the sight, happy that 90% of the toys were finally getting played with as Teddy was still too young for most. "Selia and Erny will watch the kids for us," she smiled as two elves popped into the room. "Erny, Selia, this is Kingsley and Joanna Shacklebolt and their kids Zenaida, Kovu and Thailia. Could you keep an eye on the kids and let them play while we talk in the other room for a short while?"

Selia, who was wearing a lilac dress with dark purple pumps clapped her hands in delight. "We is being honoured!" She squeaked.

"Teddy loves the swing," Erny said taking the baby from Andromeda and setting him in the baby swing, strapping him in. Teddy's little legs kicked as he giggled in delight as Erny began to him gently swing him. Selia was chatting to Thailia as she played in the ball pool as the other two sat at the table to draw and colour in.

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