Dragon Prince

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Fog covered a ship in the night in the middle of the ocean. A man walked amongst the deck, passing cages, a lantern in his hand. He rapped on one of the cages when something growled inside.

It was a dragon. All the cages they were carrying were filled with dragons.

"Quiet!" He looks around and watches as a bright orange flame lit up the darkness as the man saw a dark shadow in the shape of a man, holding a flaming sword. "What are you?!"

The shadow made a shh gesture with his finger. "Shh!"

The man gasped as he turned around and saw a black dragon slink it's way off of the top of one of the cages. In a moment of panic, he raced to the man and notices his armor but the masked figure was able to fight him back with his sword. The man dropped his lantern and it shattered on impact, setting fire to the deck.

The man screamed as the two walked through the fire as if it were nothing.

"AAH! YOU'RE A DEMON!" He shrieks.

The shadow raised his hand in surrender. "Shhh! Shh, shh, shh! No, no! I'm not a demon! I'm not a demon!" He pushed up his helmet up, revealing Hiccup. "See? Just a guy! Just a guy...well, more or less. And I'm here to rescue these dragons, so..." he gestured to the cages around him, but the man continued to panic.

"But you walked through fire!" He points to Hiccup.

Hiccup rubbed the shoulder pauldron of his armor. "Dragon Scales! Dragons shed a lot."

That was kind of a lie since his skin is fireproof, but he didn't want some Hunter like him to know about his dragon half. Also, his outfit did in fact come from Toothless' scales.

The man shook his head, backing up even more. "No, I know a demon when I see one! No human legs are that skinny." He turns to run away, but gets his face smacked in by a double blade axe.

"He's gonna be fine." A person wearing an all silver armor says and removes her mask to reveal Heather as Windshear joins him.

"Heather. I had him where I wanted him." Hiccup complained.

"And you got him where I wanted him." Heather replies and places her axe to her back and raises her hood. "Now let's just get to work."

"Come on." Toothless pushes Hiccup along.

They set to work, unlocking the cages, freeing all the dragons on the boat.

In one cage, Hiccup found a Stormcutter and it has a muzzle on his face and it tries to act aggressive while moving to the back.

"Shh. We're gonna get you out of here." Hiccup promises him.

"I don't believe you." The Stormcutter says.

"I know you have no reason to believe me...but I want to help you." Hiccup replies.

Just then, the Stormcutter looks to him in shock. "You can understand me?"

"Yeah, now come on. I wanna free you." Hiccup says when more guards come out and start attacking Windshear, Toothless, and Heather.

"Hurry it up, guys!" Heather tells them.

They free the rest of the dragons when the Stormcutter flies past and picks up Hiccup on his way.

"Wait! Wait! Where are you taking me!?" Hiccup asks as he's flown off.

"That's our que." Heather says, seeing Hiccup being taken. "Clear out, guys. Go, go!" She tells the dragons as she runs to the edge of the deck and gets picked up by Windshear at the last second as the Night Fury flies off to save Hiccup and Heather goes to bring the other dragons home and knows Toothless can handle a few dragons.

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