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Hiccup and Anna are climbing the mountains as a brand new day starts on their search for Elsa, as they now have Kristoff and Sven's help to get to the North Mountain.

The group soon got to a ledge where they can see Arendelle in the distance, covered in a blanket of snow.

"Arendelle." Anna said, surprised.

"It's completely frozen." Kristoff says, seeing it as well.

"But it will be fine. Elsa will thaw it." Anna said, confident in their mission.

"Will she?" Kristoff asked, not as confident as her.

Anna looked at Hiccup who's trying to pick up Elsa's scent, causing a smile to form on her lips.

"Yeah." Anna answered, knowing Hiccup can help her. "Now, come on. This way to the North Mountain?" She asked pointing to her right.

"More like this way." Hiccup said pointing up to the mountain.

Anna followed Hiccup's pointing, and doesn't like the fact that the North Mountain touches the clouds.

The group made it to a small forest with icicles hanging on its branches, which is making Sven very happy and excited, and tired to get some icicles on his antlers. The group soon got to a big pound with a a waterfall, which are both frozen.

"I never knew winter could be so beautiful." Anna said.

"Me neither." Hiccup commented, since back home they don't get a lot of snow. Surprisingly, considering his dragon father spits ice.

"Yeah." Someone agreed as they all stopped, and started wondering who said that. "It really is beautiful, isn't it?" Someone asked in a male voice.

They all started walking forward to see who is talking, Hiccup is leading the way with his hand at the ready to ignite Inferno if needed.

"But it's so white." The man complained. "You know, how about a little color? I'm thinking maybe some crimson, chartreuse, how about yellow?" He asked then thought for a moment. "No, not yellow. Yellow and snow?" Someone questioned before shuddering. "No go." He answered his own question while chuckling.

They all looked behind them to see a snowman somehow appeared.

"Am I right?" The snowman asked, making Anna scream real loud and kick the head off right off his body.

Kristoff catched the head, and looked at it while having no idea what to say.

"Hi." The Snowman greeted him.

"You're creepy." Kristoff told him before tossing the headback to Anna.

Anna and Kristoff started passing the Snowman's head around while he complained.

"Guys." Hiccup said.

Anna and Kristoff didn't listen.

"Guys!" Hiccup shouted.

Anna and Kristoff still aren't listening.

Hiccup sighed. "GUYS!"

Anna tossed the head to Hiccup, and he easily caught it.

"Alright. We got off to a bad start." The Snowman said dizzy.

The Snowman soon stopped being dizzy, and looked at Hiccup.

"Hi." Snowman greeted.

"Hey." Hiccup greeted back.

Hiccup and the Snowman soon noticed Snowman's body walking over to Hiccup.

"Hey, can you put me back on my body?" The Snowman asked.

"Sure." Hiccup answered getting down on his knee, and put the head back on the body. "There you go." He said, making sure the head is on good.

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