Welcome to Arendelle

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Hiccup and Mala were told from their father that they were visiting a neighborhood kingdom, Arendelle, but he decided to leave out the part that Hiccup and his new dragon friend were going to be in mortal danger if they stayed.

He did however explain that Toothless had to remain on the ship while they're there as nobody in Arendelle have seen a dragon before and they don't know how they would react.

The ship docks where they're greeted instantly by the dock people.

"Welcome to Arendelle!" They say cheerfully as Hiccup and Mala leave the boat after saying goodbye to Toothless and Hiccup promised to come back later with some food for him.

Some time passes and Hiccup is just amazed as this was his first time being somewhere other than Caldera Cay.

Everything was so similar but so different from the world he's accustomed to. His father told them the people here are not familiar with dragons which is why they need to keep Toothless hidden.


Doing some more exploring, Hiccup has taken into the forest for some quietness as he's not used to the loudness and constant talking from everyone.

Right now, he's currently leaning against a tree and has a prefect view of the town and has started to draw it in his book when he hears a twig snap and he retracts his dragon-ears, not wanting to freak anyone out and looks around the tree to see where it came from.

"Hello." He hears someone greet him, but he jumps out of fear and drops his book and pencil in the process when he turns to see a girl around his age with snow white hair that was braided behind her head. "I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She apologizes.

"No-it's...is okay. I was just focused." Hiccup says as she picked up his book and sees some of his drawings of the dragons and animals back home.

"Did you draw all of these yourself?" She asks him.

"Ye-Yeah, I draw what I see." Hiccup tells her and remembers the dragons drawings. "And-and some other things I imagine."

"You're really good." She says and hands it back to him. "I'm Elsa." She introduces before holding her hand out to him.

"I'm Hiccup." He introduces him and shakes her hand.

"Hiccup?" Elsa wonders.

"Yeah, it's a silly name, but I like it." Hiccup explains.

"I like it, it's...unique." Elsa tells him and starts getting nervous.

"Thanks." Hiccup replies, blushing as he takes his book back.

"So where are you from?" Elsa wonders.

"Caldera Cay. It's about a day North of here." Hiccup says while pointing out to where his ship arrived from.

"Oh, so what are you doing here?" Elsa wonders.

"My father says that he wanted me to see more than my home and said this would be a good idea." Hiccup explains. "Something about a new princess born."

"Oh, that's my little sister, Anna!" Elsa tells him.

"Really?" Hiccup asks.

"Yeah, my parents said they invited other kingdoms to celebrate today. I don't think that they mentioned your home that much." Elsa tells him. "Apparently, there's not much known."

"We're not that interesting to talk about." Hiccup lies, remembering what his father said about the dragons.

"You have any friends with you?" Elsa asks.

"No, there aren't a lot of other my age home." Hiccup tells her.

"Well...you want me to show you around the forest?" Elsa offers him.

"Sure." Hiccup agrees, wanting to see more and it would help to have a guide.

"Come on!" Elsa grabs his arm and drags him through the forest.

The next few hours, the two of them explored the forest together and started to become quick friends.


As night fell, all the royals stayed in the castle and Hiccup was sleeping peacefully when he feels something wrong and immediately woke up from his sleep.

Looking around, he wonders what woke him when he feels something deep inside and starts to worry it has to do with Toothless.

Making his way back to the ship, he finds his way down to where Toothless is being held and looks to see his dragon friend is shaking in his sleep.

"Toothless?" Hiccup called out and walks over to comfort his friend. "Hey, Toothless, it's me."

Toothless wakes up and sees Hiccup standing next to him and Hiccup takes a seat. As he sits down, Toothless curls up and lays his head on Hiccup's lap.

Hiccup altered his hears so he can talk to Toothless.

"What was that about, bud?" Hiccup asks him.

"Nothing. I had a bad dream. I was stuck in that net you rescued me from, but this time you didn't come. And some bad people found me." Toothless describes the dream to him.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, bud. I'm just happy I found you and not someone who would hurt you." Hiccup says as he caresses the Night Fury's head and listens as he purrs.

"How'd you know I was in trouble?" Toothless wonders.

Hiccup was wondering that himself on his way here. "I don't know. I just had a feeling." He says as he keeps caressing the dragon's back helping get back to sleep.


Off the coast of Caldera Cay, there are several Dragon Hunter ships are working on taking the Eruptodon.

Ryker being their leader.

"He Just left?" Ryker asks to be confirmed.

"King Mason took his son and daughter away this morning, we're not sure where." His man reports.

"He knew we were here and he decided to leave." Ryker recaps and questions something. "Did you say his son and daughter?"

"Yes, sir."

"Queen Valheim has been dead for years. Who is his son?" Ryker asks.

"He just appeared to have just appeared a few years ago." He answers.

"Get us back to Viggo. Let's see what we can learn about this son." Ryker commands them wondering where this boy came from.

If King Mason left knowing there is Dragon Hunters on his island, his son must be something either valuable or precious to him to take him away...for some reason.

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