Things are changing

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Hiccup, who's wearing his newest improved upon Dragon Armor, is flying with Toothless alongside Elsa and Liry, who's wearing a light purple dress with her hair braided up and going over her left shoulder, as the two are up in the clear blue sky looking over Arendelle with a dozen of dragons flying with them and see Arendellians getting everything prepare for the Autumn season that Elsa arranged three years after her Coronation.

They're setting decorations up, setting up tables with plenty of food on them along with having plenty of fish for the Dragons, collecting loads of firewood to pass out later that was easily attainable thanks to the Razorwhips and Timberjacks, and having plenty of pumpkins to decorate, and things are getting done ten times faster thanks to the help of the Dragons. It's tooken three years for Arendelle to now fully become a home to both Arendellians and dragons, leaving Hiccup and Elsa proud in their work of making their dream come true.

"We finally did it, Elsa. The very first real kingdom of humans and Dragons living together." Hiccup said as they all flew down to town to take in all the changes they made together.

"We sure did, Hiccup." Elsa agreed, smiling down at her people, who stop in their tracks to wave at them as they flew past, making her and Hiccup to wave back. "I gotta say, you definitely was a very good idea to reinforce all the homes with Gronckle Iron supports so the dragons don't destroyed them any more." She complemented as seeing some dragons resting on some homes, where nothing bad is happening due to the metal support built within the homes themselves.

"It did help redecorate the homes into a Dragon fashion to way of our way of living." Hiccup added as some of the home are built to actually look like certain dragons, built as a dragon's fire type, or built as dragon's nest.

The four of them turned right towards the center of town, where a giant windmill with arms that look like Thunderdrum wings is placed a little off to the side of town, where it has a network of pipes going to all the shops in to as a way to help the business people to make work easier by using air power machines.

"And the windmill you came up with has been very helpful. It's allowed businesses to be able to make life easier for them. Especially the Blacksmith." Elsa continued of see the business Arendellians with open shops pulling a switch of their own to work on their daily lives.

The Blacksmith has a big crowd of Arendelle outside as the Iron Mason makes customized saddles and safety gear for the dragons so the people can ride their dragons safe and sound, along with being able to handle all the different Dragons' biology defenses.

"And the Water Tower to help with any accidents the dragons cause. Especially with the baby dragons." She says as a giant Water Tower is place just outside of town with a channel network going throughout all the homes, shops, and the Castle.

"The nature give us many gifts throughout our lives, and should use them any way we can." Hiccup explained as how back home, they've used nature's wind and rain as it's been very useful to his home and family, especially when he learned about his powers.

Just as he was talking, he took notice of a Gronckle baby firing a Lava Blast by accident when he sneezed, setting a house on fire.

"For example." Hiccup says as a kid and her teenage Razorwhip flew under the Water Tower's channel network and pulled on a chain dangling above the house, releasing a ton of water on the house, putting the fire out. "Like I said." He stated, making Elsa chuckle and roll her eyes.

"And not only have we made these small improvement to help us Arendellians live a better life, but we also made impressive improvements to help keep the Dragons happy and healthy. Perches for them to mount and feel right in their natural habitat. Feeding Stations filled with fish, rocks, and meat to keep their stomach full, Grooming Stations to help get them all nice and clean, and to help get rid of any dead scales hanging on them." Elsa continued looking out at the Perches, Feeding Stations, and Grooming Stations spread out throughout the entire kingdom, where their are different types of Dragons mounted up on the Perches, eating the buffet at the Feeding Stations, or washing themselves down in the Grooming Stations to get rid of their bad odor or get of the dead scales that fall off. They recycle their scales for clothing, the saddles and things like that later on.

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