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Elsa and Liry stood on the shore, facing the raging water before them, Elsa was readying herself to face whatever danger lied ahead.

Liry wasn't too sure if her rider should even consider walking across the water, but Elsa had insisted she do this part herself.

Elsa began taking her shoulder pads and coat off. Liry cooed her rider, hoping to get her to change her mind.

"Liry, I need to do this myself. If I am ever going to find the truth, than this is how I am going to do it." Elsa pulled her braid out and tied it up into a ponytail while scratching her dragon's bed to calm her down.

Liry nodded a she respects her wishes and Elsa ran forward as Liry took off into the air, ready to help if something went wron. Elsa stepped onto the water and ice platforms formed under feet.

A wave barreled towards her as she tried to run over it, but got knocked he back and Liry dived into the water to save her.


Elsa stood on the beach again, completely drenched and ready to run out onto the water again as Liry was shaking the water off herself. She shook herself off and ran onto the water again, sliding over it on the ice platforms trying to get over the waves.

Elsa jumped into an oncoming wave and scaled a rock not far of the shore as another larger wave roared towards her. She stood atop a rock, slid down it on an ice slide as Liry was flying above her, making sure she was alright.

Elsa ran across the water at full speed, looking up at another wave with determination she blasted at it.

Ice shot up against the wave and the water stopped flowing only enough for Elsa to run halfway up the wave until it collapsed onto her.

Elsa crashed into the water, Liry flew above where she landed in the water and tried to find her rider.

Elsa rolled around in the water as looked around and began swimming to the surface.

Lightning flashed before her as a horse made of water reared back forcing the Queen to tread water.

Elsa waved her hand in front of her and the horse glared at her before disappearing. She watched the spirit flow past her just as she ran out of air and began wading back up to the surface.

She broke the surface and Liry sighed in relief, her rider was alright ut very wet.

Elsa looked below her while being thrown about by the waves and saw the Nokk swimming up to her, she made an ice raft and jumped onto it.

The Nokk rammed into the raft, knocking Elsa of it and into the water and Liry growled at the water horse.

Elsa resurfaced water, spilling out of her mouth, she turned to see the spirit ride a wave towards her.

The horse jumped out of the water and pushed Elsa down into the water, and she was propelled down into the depths of the ocean.

Elsa thrust her hands into the horse and froze it, the horse evaporated in a flurry of bubbles and Elsa swam back up to the surface and a worried Liry.

Breaking the surface once again, the Nokk threw Elsa into the air as the two of them started fighting, while Liry was struggling to keep up with the two magical beings as she can't enter the waters or shoot because she could hit Elsa instead of the horse.

The horse ran up a wave only for Elsa to throw a slab of ice onto it, Elsa was pushed underwater again and blasted a snowflake only for the Nokk to barge through it.

The Nokk pulled Elsa through the water with her head only just above the water's surface, Elsa spluttered as the horse continued to pull her along. She then threw a set of reins around the horses head made out of ice and flung herself onto the spirits back.

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