Frozen heart

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Sven is racing as fast as he could towards the Castle as Kristoff is holding onto Hiccup while making sure he doesn't fall off, along with making sure he's got a good grip on Sven.

They still have the Smothering Smokebreaths right behind them, one of them carrying Hiccup's helmet and the Fireworms trying their best to keep Hiccup warm and his fire alive.

Hiccup's hair is almost complete white, his skin is a little pale with ice starting to appear here and there along his Dragon Prince markings, but his lasting fire is slowing down the process. But he's freezing on the inside where it feels like the fire flowing in his body is shutting down faster and faster with each second.

Kristoff looked down and immediately saw Hiccup getting weaker.

"Just hang in there, man." Kristoff told him, taking his hat off his head and put it on Hiccup's head. "Come on, buddy, faster!" He ordered Sven.

Sven nodded and picked up his pace.

"Smothering Smokebreaths, keep your eyes open for Elsa, Anna, Olaf, and Toothless." Hiccup ordered them.

"Understood." The Smothering Smokebreaths all say and flew off into different directions to cover more ground.

They soon got into town, and headed straight for the Castle.

Sven stopped as they got to the Gates where they're spotted and hear people running to the gates, as Kristoff dismounted Sven and walked Hiccup toward the gates.

"I hope Anna and Olaf get Elsa here fast. I don't how much longer I can hold on." Hiccup pleaded while shivering like crazy, never being this cold before. No idea how to react to it.

"Don't worry, they'll get her." Kristoff promised as the Gates opened.

"Hiccup!" A Maid yelled.

The maids each got on one side of Hiccup and help him, while avoiding the Fireworms.

"You had us worried sick." She said.

"My Lord." Kai greeted.

"Get him warm, and don't mind the Fireworms, they're helping him stay warm." Kristoff told them.

"Understood." Kai understood. "Where's Princess Anna?"

"She went to bring Queen Elsa back." Kristoff answered. "She is Hiccup's only chance for survival."

"Queen Elsa is in the Dungeon." Kai informed him.

"I'll go find Princess Anna and tell her." Kristoff offered.

"Thank you." Kai said as he and the maids walked Hiccup to the Castle.

"Make sure he's safe. Elsa will never be able to live herself if he's gone." Kristoff said as the gates closed.

The Gates closed on Kristoff, and now the only thing he can do is tell Anna and Olaf that Elsa is in dungeon, and hopefully they're on their already on their way back to Castle.

Sven started whining for Hiccup at the gates. "Come on, buddy. Let's head to the forest and find that Night Fury." Kristoff said and started walking off as Sven followed.


Hans and the other Royals are trying to stay warm.

"I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna." Hans said, walking towards the door.

"You can't risk going out there again." The Spanish Prince said.

"Especially with the Dragon Prince out there." Duke said, still not liking Hiccup.

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