I slept with you on accident..

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At around 5am, Lucy wakes up with a hangover.
But she doesn't wake up from the couch,
She finds herself in Aaron's bed.
Lucy quickly wakes Aaron up.
Aaron: what? - in a sleepy voice
Lucy: Aaron, get up! We accidentally slept together!
It takes Aaron a minute to fully wake up and process what Lucy had just said.
Aaron: Shit! How much have we had to drink?
Lucy: I don't remember? So clearly a lot.
Aaron: yeah, my head hurts so much..
Lucy: well come on, don't just lay there get up!
Aaron: what time is it?
Lucy checks the time on the clock Aaron has.
Lucy: 5:05 am.
Aaron: can't I just sleep for a few more hours?
Lucy: fine, but I'm going to the couch, do you have any blankets I can borrow?
Aaron: Just sleep in the guest bedroom.
Lucy goes and lays down in the guest bedroom.
They both daze off until 11am when it's time to go to work.

11:35 am, Aaron wakes up, he goes and wakes Lucy up too.
Lucy: hey
Aaron: work starts in 25 minutes get up.
Lucy: fine, at least my head feels better.
Aaron: yeah me too but get up.
Lucy and Aaron both take showers and get ready for work, they skip breakfast and just decide to go in early.
Finally, after what felt like forever this time, roll call ends.
Lucy and Aaron go out, but this time it's very quiet.
For half the shift, the entire ride is so quiet. Not a single word is said other than when they call in something at the radio.
Lucy: this is stupid. We might as well talk about it, right?
Aaron: idk what to say so I'm all ears.
Lucy: Really? look, it was an accident that we both committed and it'll never happen again.
Aaron: I agree.
They both promise it'll never happen and go back to their regular friendship.
Aaron: so umm, have you talked to Tim?
Lucy: no I honestly don't even want to, what happened was stupid.
Aaron: well, you'll have to talk about it eventually so why don't you just get it over with?
Lucy: yeah maybe I will, idk yet.
Aaron: alright well that's at least something.
Lucy: thanks.
Aaron: honestly I might just clock out, I have to study for the T.O exam until it happens in about a week and I could use the extra time.
Lucy: me too, I'll clock out only because my head still hurts from the hangover.
Aaron: y'know, I don't think that's enough to clock out.
Lucy: then I'll make something up.
They giggle.
They head back to the station and Aaron clocks out, Lucy wanted to talk to Tim but decided to give it a few days.
Lucy: hey Aaron, I don't have anything to do so do you want my help? I'm thinking of signing up to be a U.C but I'm not sure yet.
Aaron: I mean, yeah sure. And if you want I can help you too?
Lucy: I'd appreciate it.
They both head to Lucy's apartment where the quiz each other until 9:30 pm when Aaron goes home for the day. After he leaves Lucy decides to go to bed too since she has work and wants to get an early start with Tim.

enemies to lovers (Chenford AU)  Where stories live. Discover now