Friendship Resurrected

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J: yeahh, we'll see.

The next morning, Lucy wakes up, wondering if she is with Jackson once again or back with Aaron. Doesn't matter. She's happy with both. Although she'd probably would be happier with Jackson because the car ride with Aaron would just be very awkward.
She goes in and her morning is the usual, Getting dressed, Breakfast, locker room, roll call, and then shift begins.
This time, it was different. Not seeing Aaron in roll call for the first time felt weird, since he's usually the first one in roll call. But at least she has Jackson to look up too.
After Roll call, Lucy and Jackson head out on shift, which is a bit more quiet because of yesterday but not too much.
A few minutes go by and Jackson breaks the silence.
J: look uhh again I'm sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean to get into your personal business. I just wanted to get to know you again since last time.
L: I get it, really. I just didn't really expect it and besides, me and Aaron will work it out.
J: glad to hear it.
L: yeah! Lucy gives a smile.
J: it's killing you, isn't it?
L: what?
J: Aaron? Not riding with him?
L: not really, well maybe. I mean he is my best friend and all but if I was riding with him today then it would probably most likely be very quiet.
J: makes sense.
L: yeah.. hey is it ok if we drop by a gas station or a convenience store?
J: why?
L: I need coffee, I barely slept last night.
J: yeah sure, I could go for a snack anyways.
L: haha, you always were a sucker for food.
J: Damn truth.
They both chuckle.
They both go in and grab what they need and head back out.
The rest of the shift was as usual, very boring with a few misdemeanors and not much else.
Shift ends and it's time to go home, when Lucy is heading towards her car, Jackson emerges from the dark.
Lucy: Shit! You scared me..
J: Sorry, didn't meant too lmao
Lucy: Do you need something?
J: yeah umm I was thinking if you would want to order food and watch a movie or show at my house? If that's alright? I was thinking we should at least spend time together again like old times. Wouldn't you agree?
L: yeah umm, I'll meet you at your place in an hour I just want to take a shower.
J: that's fine, I'll see you then.
L: same to you.

( Sorry this is short and expect these parts to be a bit shorter)

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