Shift with an old friend

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The shift is very awkward, Lucy and Jackson haven't even spoken ever since Lucy be-friended Aaron.
Jackson breaks the silence and says,
"So, umm.. long time we spoke, right?"
Lucy: yeah, I'm sorry for ghosting you.
J: I did kind of hurt, y'know. We had such a great friendship until Aaron came.
Lucy: yeah..
J: Something wrong?
Lucy: huh? No it's just that.. Aaron kind of sprung something on me and I just can't stop thinking about it.
J: do you want to talk about it?
Lucy: No thanks, I appreciate it but it's something personal.
J: I get it.
Lucy: thanks.
J: so umm, do you have anything new? Like hobbies.. or?
Lucy: well not really, I've just been in the same spot ever since.
J: that's nice.
Jackson and Lucy for the first time in a few months, actually get along. They talk to each other again, just like they used to. Lucy is happy now that she has gotten her old friend back.
J: well, it's about almost 3 pm. Do you wanna get lunch?
Lucy: yesss definitely, I'm sooo hungry.
They both giggle.
They spot and stop the exact same food truck that they would both always hang out at when it was time for lunch.
Lucy: geez, coming back here certainly brought back some great memories.
J: definitely.
They both order what they always used to get and sit down at a table to start to eat.
J: so, umm.. If you don't mind me asking, what DID happen with Aaron this morning?
Lucy: what do you mean?
J: well.. I mean that I saw you and Aaron talking in the car as I was pulling into the parking lot. You both looked somewhat serious. Then as I was turning off my car I saw you get out, and your face just screamed out.. "awkward".
And that's not it, a few minutes later, as Aaron was coming into the station he looked kind of sad. I swear that boy was holding back tears..
Lucy: oh.. umm... it's nothing it's...
Lucy doesn't know what to say, especially since she was forced into a super awkward situation again. So she continues to stutter.
"I.. umm... it's..."
J: Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in an awkward position. And sorry for getting into your personal space.
Lucy: it's nothing.. I guess it's fine.
J: good, I didn't mean to hurt you so sorry.
Lucy: yeah it's fine you don't have to apologize.
Lucy and Jackson finish their food and head out back on patrol.
The entire shift was quiet. You could hear the air conditioner spring onto your face.
And it stayed that way until it was time to clock out, 8 pm.
Lucy and Jackson clock out, and just as Lucy is going towards her car. Jackson walks up to her.
J: Heyy, look I'm sorry for trying to force myself into your personal space. It was wrong of me.. i was just happy that me and you were talking again and I wasn't thinking straight. Y'know.
Lucy: Really Jackson.. it's ok...
J: no, it's not.
Lucy: Jackson.
J: look I don't want this to get any worse, so I apologize and I'll see you tomorrow, alright?
Lucy is silent but then utters out,
"Thanks, I appreciate that. I'll see you tomorrow unless I'm back with Aaron."
Lucy said.

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