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I wait for Aaron about an hour until his shift finishes. I see him walk in, but I give him a few just to go change back into his regular clothes, but I make my way into the parking lot. Waiting by his car until he comes out.
I wait in the dark parking lot, most of the lights not working. Standing here and not moving places until Aaron comes out.
I wait for what feels like forever, but eventually he walks out of the building.
I'm still waiting for him, as he walks to his car, which feels like it's taking forever. He gets here and I get up and make my way towards him.
A: Shit! What were you doing in the dark?
L: I've been waiting for you, I want to talk to you.
A: we don't got anything to talk about Lucy.
L: come on Aaron, you can't be mad at me forever.
A: I'm not.
L: then why don't you wanna talk?
A: I just don't feel like it Lucy. Anyways I've got to go, so see you tomorrow.
L: Aaron, come on!
A: I told you, we got nothing to talk about. Bye Lucy.
L: just give me a few minutes of your time at least?
Aaron looks at his watch, looking at what time it is.
A: fine, you got a few minutes, but then I'm out.
L: alright, thank you.
I understand why you're mad at me. And I'm sorry for the way I reacted/rejected you. But I'm not changing my response on not wanting to start a relationship with you. I think of you as a friend and nothing more. And I'm sorry if that hurt you.
A: ouch?
L: what?
A: nothing, I guess you're right?
L: yeah. So are we good?
A: maybe, I'll think about it.
L: that's good enough for me.
I'll see you tomorrow Aaron.
A: you too.
I leave Aaron and make my way towards my car, which I then head home and shower. Then I go to sleep. The next morning I took the day off, mostly cause I need to do more studying. The exam is in a week. So I need to put more focus on that. I forgot about Aaron until late at night. I'll see him tomorrow anyways, since I don't want to take a lot of personal days off.

( sorry I haven't posted in about a week or 2, but I just wanna let you know I'm not gonna be updating these a bunch anymore, but I'll still try to post more parts as I can.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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