Finding someplace to live

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Lucy's apartment rent has been raised, and as with her paycheck and monthly budget, she can no longer afford rent, so she moves out.
Lucy gets a hotel for the night and the next morning is asking around seeing if anyone wants a badass roommate.
No one is looking for a roommate so Lucy is disappointed. But then Nyla comes in and suggests she go lives with Tim, since he has an extra guest bedroom.
Lucy: No way! Not with him!
Nyla: come on, it will only be for a month and it's not like you're going to live there forever.
Lucy thinks about it for a second, but seeing as she has no other option, she gives in.
She quickly goes to the hotel to pack. Then drives to Tim's house.
She finally arrives and knocks on the door.
Tim answers and says in a annoyed voice,
"What are you doing here?"
Lucy storms in and then responds "I need a place to live."
Tim says "you could've asked at the door not barged your way in here!"
Lucy just flips Tim off and Tim responds with a "Fuck you too."
Lucy finds the guest bedroom and unpacks her stuff.
Tim argues with Lucy about how disrespectful she was when she came inside and the two go at it for almost an hour.
Finally, Lucy just says "I'm tired, I'll see you tomorrow fuck face." And slams the door on Tim.
Tim, very pissed, just storms off to his room and closes the door.
The next morning, Tim is making breakfast, eggs with pancakes and sausage.
Lucy is awaken by the delicious smell of it, and quickly comes out of her room.
Lucy is about to serve herself some but then Tim takes the food away from her and says, "Hey fuck off make your own food"
Lucy just rolls her eyes and goes out to eat breakfast out at a breakfast place.
Lucy then goes into work and sees Officer Barnes and Bradford talking about something in roll call.
Lucy ignores it and just goes into the women's locker room to get ready for work.
She sits with Jackson in roll call but for some reason she can't stop thinking about this morning.
Lucy goes out on patrol which felt super fast and small so the next second she is already done with her shift.
Lucy gets ready to go home so she gets into her car and drives over there. She knocks on the door so Tim can open up.
No answer.
Luckily, Lucy has a spare key so she can enter the house without Tim's assistance.
She doesn't find Tim there but it's not like she cares. Or maybe?
She just tells herself that Tim is probably late out and won't come back until later. So she doesn't think anything of it.

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