6~ Mr 'Steal Your Girl'

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Two weeks have passed since Siri and Jungkook's rough fuck in the photography red room, and they both couldn't stop thinking about each other.

Days after that incident with Jungkook, Siri continued to feel the lingering burn and pleasure his cock left behind. She felt the lingering tingle of his lips on her lips. Felt the ghostly roughness of his hands on her skin. Felt the bruises on her hips. Felt the ghost of his tongue playing with her nipples. Heard his deep voice husk into her ear whenever the wind blew past her, and she felt fluttering in her chest whenever she thought of him and their kiss. 

She found herself masturbating more times than she could count the week after they had sex, using the memory of that day as her motivation.

Unfortunately, the lingering burn and feelings gradually disappeared because it had been too long, and Siri needed to find something else to fill that emptiness. During the second week, Siri slept with two different guys separately to see if they could replace the burn and pleasure. See if they could give her a new sensation to enjoy. 

Of course neither of the guys could replace the feeling the Golden Maknae had left behind, and unsurprisingly, neither guy could make Siri cum which meant she was a little sexually frustrated.

Jungkook was in the same boat as Siri. He couldn't get her off his mind and continued to feel the ghost of her lips on his. Feel her tongue on his tongue. Feel the sting of the scratches she left behind. Feel the warmth of her walls wrapped around his cock for days after.

Until all those were literally just a memory.

He stroked himself more than usual and also tried fucking a couple girls, but none of them were satisfying. None felt as good, and he hated it because it meant he might need to fraternise with the enemy again to be able to be satisfied.

The sex and kisses sparked something within Siri and Jungkook that made them confused, but neither said anything. That would be stupid. Can't be telling your enemy that kissing them and fucking them was the best thing ever.

They both came to the conclusion it was just the sex that was so good, and that it had nothing to do with the person.

It's just her pussy that's good, he thinks.

It's just his dick that's good, she convinces herself.

It's just the sex. 

During the two weeks, the two of them avoided each other so they could try to get their minds off one another. When they were with their friends however, they didn't want the other thinking they had an effect on them, so they'd both mock and do small petty things just to keep up appearances.

Despite trying to tell herself not to, all Siri wanted was more of him— no wait! His dick! More of his dick! she'd tell herself. She also didn't want to admit it, but she thought Jungkook was correct in saying that nothing beats a man's rough hands on a body.

Jungkook felt similarly to Siri. He needed a way to sleep with her one more time— or so he told himself.

Just once more to feel that rush and to have that mind-blowing orgasm from angry hate-sex. Just once more to feel like he was in pure euphoric bliss in the aftermath, since he's never had that feeling with any other girl. And... to also feel whatever that fluttering was in his chest when he kissed her. He doesn't know what it was, but it felt amazing and he just wanted to feel it again. 

He just couldn't understand why it had to be her— no wait! It's just her pussy that was so good. Not her, he tells himself. It's just the sex!

But Jungkook had a plan to sleep with Siri again.

There Siri was, flirting with a girl named Solar at a party. She wanted to see if Solar could give her such pleasures that would rid her mind of a certain cocky asshole— who happened to be on the other side of the room watching her.

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