9~ Ceasefire

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Two days have passed since Siri and Jungkook 'hate-fucked' a second time and had their peaceful bonding moment, and things have settled between them. They were friendlier and civil.

For now.

Jungkook was working out at the gym after his classes had finished when he happened to receive a message from an unknown number. He curiously opened it, and was disgusted and surprised to see it was a dick pic with the caption, "Wanna ride me?"

He then received another anonymous dick pic with a message saying, "I'd love to hop on your 'motor' and ride you like a bike."

"What the actual fuck??" Jungkook said to himself with disbelief. Why the hell am I getting dick pics and shitty pick up lines? I'm not even gay or bi! And why the hell are they related to riding a bike- Jungkook gasps as it hits him. My baby!

By 'baby' Jungkook meant his pride and joy; his motorbike. He quickly grabbed his bag from the gym locker and sprinted out to where he parked his bike. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw his motorbike, doe eyes wide and confused.

There were rainbow coloured ribbons tied to the handles, glitter all over the seat, and a sign taped to it saying, 'Found my true colours! Send me dick pics! My number is xxxxxxxx'

"What the hell!" Jungkook yelled aloud as he approached his motorbike. When he reached it, he ripped off the sign and tore it in half.

However, not too far away, hidden somewhere, he could hear a laugh. It was actually more like a cackle. Like an evil witch's cackle.

"Siri!" Jungkook growled as he looked around the car park to find the culprit. He knew exactly who did it since only she would be brave enough to do something like this to him. "I know it's you, so you better come out!"

Siri came out from behind a car, laughing her ass off while Jungkook just glared at her with a pout. Even though that smile and those eyes of hers were pretty, he didn't think what she did to his pride and joy was so pretty.

"What the hell was this for? I thought we were good and even?"

Siri reached Jungkook, laughter dying down to a giggle. She wanted to prank him again as she realised she didn't actually get back at him for stealing Solar. Sure, she woke him up and pinched his nipples as a form of punishment, but that led to them having sex. It would've been more like a reward for Jungkook rather than pay back.

She decided to run with the prank idea she had ages ago before she interrupted Jungkook and the girl in the photography red room; glitzing his motorbike, but with the added extra of putting the sign on his bike.

"We weren't even, but now we are. Don't you think it looks sooo pretty?" she teases.

"Hell no! And definitely not with the sign! How could you write my number on there?"

"Oh calm down, Jeon," Siri chuckles. "Look closer at the sign. I didn't put your real phone number on there. The last two digits were wrong."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What?" He put the two ripped pieces of paper together and read it properly. She was right. It wasn't actually his phone number on there.

"But I got gross dick pics with shitty pick up lines?"

"Don't say that in front of Chim or TaeTae. You'll hurt their feelings." Siri smirks as she quirks an eyebrow.

Jungkook's eyes widened with shock. "They sent those messages?!"

Siri laughs out loud again, "Yeah, was them. I asked them to do it."

"But I have their numbers? Why'd they come up as an unknown number?"

"I bought some sim cards when I bought the glitter and ribbons. Wanted to freak you out a bit, and the two of them were happy to help."

You're on, Jeon • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now