32~ He Loves Me, He Loves You Not

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A/N: This chapter (and it's title) is inspired by the song 'He loves you not' by Dream (I attached the video above so you guys can check it out!). Some of the lyrics are used in the dialogue (mentioning this song really shows how old I am 😭
It was a popular song when I was younger! 😅)

Wordcount: ~3540


"Yeah?" Jungkook looks up at his girlfriend—his queen— with big doe eyes sparkling up at her while he's on his knees. They were in the shower together where Siri was washing his hair and he was stroking up and down her calves.

"Can I ask something?"

"Course you can, baby."

"Your friend Karina... Is she someone I should be worried about?"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook was confused with this random question since he wasn't expecting it at all.

The thing is, ever since meeting his childhood friend that afternoon, Siri's been plagued by an uncomfortable feeling that just won't go away. That unease intensified at the thought of her boyfriend agreeing to meet with his friend for lunch tomorrow.

Karina calling the event a 'lunch date' as she waved them goodbye didn't help with Siri's uneasiness. It also didn't help that Jungkook didn't seem too phased by what Karina called it. He simply chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes. It was clear he didn't attach much significance to her choice of words.

But when they got together, Siri and Jungkook agreed to have better communication, and she was trying to do that right now by asking him about his childhood friend. She needed to know about her so she could put some of her mind at ease.

"Well... She's your childhood friend... so you two have history, right? Is there anything in your past with her that I should know about? Like... have you ever had feelings for her or anything?"

Ohh, I get it now, Jungkook thinks. He understands Siri is worried that old feelings might come back for Karina if he had any for her.

"You definitely don't need to worry. I mean, there was a time when I was about thirteen years old when I had a crush on her— you know, coz of hormones and shit— but I got over that pretty quickly once she and I had our first kiss."

Siri's heart drops. So he did have feelings for her and they were each other's first kiss? This made her worry more, but then Jungkook kept explaining.

"Felt gross," he grimaces at the memory. "It was like I was kissing a sister or a family member. I knew then and there that my feelings for her were wrong and I've only ever really seen her as a sister."

Thank god. But... "How come you've never mentioned her before?"

Jungkook shrugs, "She's never really crossed my mind. Ever since I met you, you're all I can think about."

That answer right there— even just the first sentence— made Siri feel so much better. It made that bit of doubt go away, while the second sentence made her feel like she snagged the world's best boyfriend.

"She's a childhood friend, but she was never my best friend," Jungkook adds. "It was her twin brother, Mingyu, who was my best friend, and she was just always there. We were all close when we were younger since we went to the same schools, but after highschool, Mingyu went off to the military and made it his career. He asked me to look after Karina while he was away, but I only ever really see her during some holidays and family get-togethers since our parents usually do something together. You really have nothing to worry about, baby."

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