34~ 100 Days

939 90 138

Wordcount: ~3900

Today is Siri and Jungkook's 100 day anniversary— a day that was marked down very early on in their relationship on calendars by the man himself.

A feeling of contentment and happiness fill the couple as they wake up naked in each other's arms, like they usually do when they sleep together.

Jungkook had been sleeping on his girlfriend's bare chest, tattooed arm dangling over her waist, and his long legs tangled with hers. Siri had a hand in her man's hair, gently massaging the back of his scalp while the other hand lightly traced over the tattoos on his arm.

"Mm, g'mornin' baby," Jungkook mumbles in his sleepy deep voice. "Happy hundred days."

"Morning, and happy hundred days, Koo."

Jungkook's arm hugs tighter to Siri's waist as he nuzzles his nose against the nearest boob. He breathes in her strawberry scented skin before he lets out a sigh of content, ending with a small smile on his lips, "I love waking up with you like this. Wish we could do it every morning."

"I love it, too." Siri continues scratching his head, and unbeknownst to him, she's grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Today, Siri has plans to meet with the real estate agent who's friends with Jungkook's parents— the same real estate agent Jungkook talked about when he felt guilty for ruining Siri's chances of buying a loft during that auction she missed months ago.

Siri's been in contact with the real estate agent for the last three weeks, and they happened to find a place that fit Siri's requirements quite quickly. A three bedroom apartment with an office that could be used as a gaming room for a certain someone, perhaps. A place where she could have two car parks instead of one. A place where she and a certain someone could call it 'their' home, not just 'her' home.

During the drama with Karina, Jungkook often stayed at his flat with the boys because it was considered his actual home; the place where Karina would take him back to if he had too much to drink. Siri realised she wanted that to change. She wanted Jungkook's home to be with her. She wanted it so that whenever he tells someone to take him home— be it a childhood friend, taxi driver, uber driver, or anyone else— the only destination for 'home' is with her; their place. Not the flat with the guys.

This was a conversation Siri needed to have with Jungkook, and it was going to happen now.

"You know, Koo... We could wake up like this every morning if you really want to..."

"I do want to," he mumbles, not really catching the hint Siri was trying to give him. "I'll stay over more like I used to."

"Well... What if I don't want you to 'stay over' but—"

Jungkook whips his head up fast, eyebrows furrowed with worry, "You don't want me to stay over anymore??"

Siri chuckles, ruffling his hair which makes him pout cutely. "Let me finish my sentence, you silly Koo. I was going to say, what if I don't want you to 'stay over' but to 'come home' instead?"

"Come home?" he repeats, confused at what Siri was implying.

"Yeah," she smiles softly. "Come home to me. To our place, not 'my' place."

It takes a few seconds for Jungkook to register what Siri was trying to ask him, and when he finally understands, butterflies go wild in his chest, his eyebrows go high, and his eyes light up, "You want to live together?"

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