29~ The Necklace drabble

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A/N: A reader asked if I could do a drabble of Jungkook buying the seashell necklace and I loved that idea! Thought I'd put it in here as a little bonus chapter since JK and Siri talked about the necklace in the previous chapter 😉 Enjoy the little drabble!

Wordcount; Short and sweet, 1330 words


"Seriously, how many photos of the sunset do you need to send to Siri? They all look the same."

"No they don't," Jungkook pouts to his big brother, Jin, who was sipping on a chocolate milkshake. "Look! I caught a seagull in this pic!"

Jin rolls his eyes, "Still looks exactly the same as yesterday's sunset."

"Oh! And the sky is more pink today than it was yesterday! It's prettier and I just know Siri will like today's sunset better than the one I sent her yesterday."

"So whipped," Jin mutters under his breath as he watches Jungkook take a few more photos of the sunset.

He knows Jungkook will take about twenty photos of the same thing and then spend a stupid length of time trying to decide which one is the best photo to send to Siri. He's watched Jungkook do this ever since they arrived on the island for their family holiday five days ago.

"Yesss!" Jungkook smiles widely. "I'm sure the perfect photo is one of these!"

As the brothers walk along the beach sidewalk, Jin continues to happily sip his milkshake while Jungkook nibbles his bottom lip as he flicks through his camera roll, concentrating on which photo is the best.

Then Jungkook suddenly bumps into Jin. "What the? Why'd you stop, hyung?"

"People are setting up for the night markets already and I'm just checking this one out."

Jin curiously watches an older woman as she lays out a tray of gold and silver rings. Some appeared to have diamonds on them— which Jin believed to be fakes.

Jungkook, still with his phone in his hand where his thumb hovers over a sunset photo he was about to delete, uninterestedly glances at what the old lady had out on display already. A couple necklaces and bracelets with charms on them; some had little hearts, some the infinity sign, and some had a moon and stars.

But then, all at the same time, Jungkook gasps, his heart skips a beat, and his doe eyes go wide when he sees a small gold seashell hanging off a necklace rack.

His heart raced harder and faster the longer he stared at it, and he couldn't help but inch his face closer and closer to see it better. It was as if the necklace had belonged to a siren of the sea and its alluring voice was kept locked away in that small little seashell, calling out for him.

Jungkook forgets about his phone for now, dropping it into his jacket pocket so he could touch the delicate little necklace. He was enchanted by it. He was mesmerised. Because all he could think about was that it belonged on a certain someone's neck. The siren who's already— and unknowingly— captured his heart.

"Scuse me, how much for this necklace?" Jungkook asks the old lady.

"For you, young man, four hundred dollars."

"Four hundred?!" Jin repeats with surprise. "That's a total scam! There's no way that little thing is worth that much! Yah, Jungkook-ah, let's go." He grabs his younger brother's arm, pulling him away from the stall.

"Wait!— b-but the necklace?!" Jungkook says with panic as he keeps his arm outstretched, trying to keep hold of the small item. He leaned back with his weight on his heels so Jin couldn't pull him any further. He didn't want to part from the little seashell. He felt like his heart would get ripped away the further he got from it.

I have to get that for her, he thinks.

"You'd be stupid to pay that much, Kook. I bet you it's not even real gold."

"For your information," the older woman glares at Jin, "all my jewellery is certified and real. My store had a fire and I grabbed what I could save. I'm having problems with the insurance company hence why I'm selling like this."

"Aww, hyunnng!" The younger whines. "We gotta buy something to help the lady out!" Jungkook pouts, his heart tugging with sympathy for the old woman— but his heart was mainly tugging towards the inaudible siren call hidden in the shell; a call only he could hear.

Jin rolls his eyes and scoffs, "It's just a sob story to get you to buy it, Kook. Don't be so naive."

"I don't care. It's the perfect gift for Siri coz she loves the ocean and it matches her tattoos. It's practically calling out for me to get it for her, and I'm not leaving without it."

Jungkook digs into his jacket pocket and checks his wallet. He sees there's only sixty dollars in there. "Shit," he mutters. "Do you accept eftpos? Or paywave?"

Jungkook actually has a bit of money saved up from the times he worked with his father. Plus, he gets a student allowance at uni, and he's actually quite good at saving his money. He would usually only dig into his savings for emergencies, for example if his motorbike broke down, but to Jungkook, this is important. She is important.

"Cash only. Sorry, my dear."

"Dammit. Okay..." Jungkook bites his bottom lip as he thinks about what to do. He suddenly remembers seeing an ATM machine at their hotel that was on the other side of the beach.

But that wasn't going to deter him.

"Hyung, stay here and guard the necklace for me so no one else buys it. I'll run over to the hotel to get some cash out."

"Are you for real??" Jin gives him a look of disbelief. "It's four hundred dollars! You can find a cheaper necklace online if you want one so badly."

Jungkook shakes his head, "No, I want this one." He didn't care how much it would be. He was determined to get that necklace at all cost.

He starts jogging away where he shouts, "I'll be right back! Guard that necklace with your life!"

While Jungkook picks up at the pace and runs, Jin stares the old woman down. "Is it real or fake? Just tell me the truth since my idiot brother is going to buy it regardless."

"I promise you, it's real," the woman says sincerely as she nods, giving Jin a small smile.

He gives her a tight lipped smile back as he was still sceptical, but he didn't want to offend the lady more than he already has, especially if her sob story is actually true.

Fifteen minutes later, Jungkook comes running back with his eyes on the prize.

He's huffing and puffing from his run, but his heart wasn't racing because of that. It was racing 'cause the seashell necklace was in his hands now. He felt giddy. Like he had just won the lottery or won an award.

"Here, young man," the woman smiles softly at him. "Your change."

Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, "Change? But I gave you exactly 400?"

"I'm giving you back some money for going the extra mile of running back and forth. The girl you're buying it for must be very special to you."

"Oh," Jungkook brightens up and smiles widely, "well thank you. And yeah, she's one of my closest friends."

Jin snorts and rolls his eyes. Just a friend? He still thinks that? Who the hell is he kidding?

As the two brothers leave the stall to walk back to their hotel, the older one frowns as he watches his younger brother look at the little necklace with awe.

"$350 is still too steep for that tiny little thing, Kook."

Jungkook shrugs at his brothers' comment. He didn't care about the price. All he had on his mind now is Siri's reaction when he gives her the necklace. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"After you just spent a ridiculous amount on her, I hope she loves it."

"God, I hope she loves it, too." There was desperation and excitement laced in Jungkook's words, as well as hope in his doe eyes.

Shaking his head and snickering to himself, Jin thinks: Yeeep, he's suuuper whipped.


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