19~ The Sleepover

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"Jesus christ, Jeon! You scared the fuckin' shit outta me!"

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"Jesus christ, Jeon! You scared the fuckin' shit outta me!"

"Obviously I didn't scare you enough coz you didn't drop your towel."

Siri was wrapped in only her towel as she had just gotten out of the shower. Jungkook was dressed in a long sleeved, oversized grey shirt, black sweatpants, and had a purple beanie on his head.

He couldn't help but check Siri out up and down, his eyes taking in her wet hair where some water droplets dripped onto her cleavage. He also took in the curve of the towel around her body and her smooth legs.

Siri squinted her eyes at Jungkook who was sitting on her couch like he lived there (again) with his feet on her coffee table. He had a cheeky smirk on his lips and a hint of flirtiness behind his pretty doe-eyes, all while he was munching on some chips he very clearly stole out of her pantry since it was left ajar.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" she cocks an eyebrow.

"Me? Nooo, I'm not some perv. Your body is hideous. So gross." He feigns disgust while saying all that with a grin because it was all just shit coming out of his mouth. He'd never ever actually think any of the things he's saying. "I'd never wanna sleep with you even if we were the last people on earth. Our babies would be too ugly."

Tucking her towel tighter to her body, Siri rolls her eyes even though she couldn't stop her smile, or those stupid butterflies from going off. Siri's never really thought of having kids, but Jungkook mentioning it made her think about it for a split second.

"Our babies would be the prettiest little shits in the world, Jeon, and you know it."

Jungkook chuckled and nodded to agree. His heart fluttered at the fact that Siri played along with his joke. It made him imagine for a moment what their kids would look like, and he knew they'd be beautiful little buggers.

"There's no denying they'd definitely be little shits," he agrees. "Especially if they're anything like their mother."

Siri walks to the couch to grab her phone as she remembered she left it there. She then grabs the couch pillow and whacks Jungkook in the face since he had a shit eating grin from his joke.

"You mean if they're anything like their father!" she whacks him again in jest.

Jungkook laughs as he snatches the pillow from her, then he whacks her ass with it as she starts walking away.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Siri asks him. "Thought you weren't coming till tomorrow for the wedding."

"Wanted to have more time being a pain in the ass to my favourite noona." Jungkook crunched loudly on a chip as he bounced his eyebrows up and down, then he smiled with that sweet boyish grin of his. It made those stupid butterflies go off in Siri's stomach again, especially since he called her his 'favourite' noona.

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