27~ Hate That I Love You

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Wordcount: ~8000

It's Monday, the start of second semester at uni, and Jungkook was anxiety personified.

Last night he went into panic mode as soon as he saw Siri's message saying they couldn't be friends. He immediately tried to call her, but the call wouldn't go through. He tried again, and again, but nothing.

Did she block me?!

Jungkook was dumbfounded. He couldn't understand how or why Siri could suddenly say something like 'we can't be friends,' especially after everything that happened last weekend.

Did my support for her mean nothing?? Did everything I do for her mean nothing?? We left with fucking smiles on our faces! We almost fucked in her car before we parted ways! What the fucking fuck?!

Jungkook recognised he had an anxious feeling all week with Siri's short and blunt messages, but he didn't think things were so bad that she would decide to end whatever they had.

He couldn't accept Siri's message. Something was wrong. There had to be a reason why she didn't want to be his friend anymore. He wasn't going to let this go. He wasn't going to let her go, not when he's finally figured out he loves her. He was going to fight for her.

After receiving that heart breaking message from Siri, Jungkook speeds to her place where he angrily bangs his fists on her door once he arrives. Except he gets no answer after a while.

He knows it's sort of wrong and crosses the privacy boundary, but he even tries typing in her apartment code to get in.

"What the fuck??" he muttered. He was stunned and freaked out when he found his birthday wasn't the code anymore.

He tried it both ways; day/month, then month/day, then he tried her birthday both ways as well. Each attempt was like a punch to his gut when he only got a red light and a dull beep.

Jungkook didn't know where Siri's mother lived so there was nothing else he could do except wait for tomorrow. But damn did he have the shittiest sleep he's ever had, stressing over where he went wrong to make Siri cut him off. He also couldn't figure out what made her say he won the bet since nothing happened with Hwasa.

Now Monday was here and it was Jungkook's chance to talk to Siri since they have a couple classes together. This was his chance to put his mind at ease. To make sure they were okay. That they're still the king and queen together. That he still has a chance with her, no matter how small that chance might be.

Except she never showed up to class.

By lunch time, Jungkook was even more stressed out. He couldn't even concentrate on the classes he had that morning because all he had on his mind was Siri. He asked the guys and a few girls if they had seen her, but none of them had.

The next thing he does is ride his motorbike to Suga's Ink Shop. It was the only place that would make sense on where she could be. Screw his classes, Siri's more important. Saving whatever they had was more important. He was determined to find her and make her talk.

And with relief, Jungkook saw Siri's car parked out the back of the building.

There was no hiding from him now.

Jungkook stormed into the tattoo shop where he didn't even stop to greet whoever the person was at the front desk. Some blonde guy with a deep Aussie accent who had trouble stopping him.

"Wait! You can't just go out the back!"

"It's okay, I know Siri. I'm her friend," Jungkook tells him as he continues to Siri's workroom. I better be that or more when I leave this place.

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