31~ Here Comes Trouble

793 95 104

Wordcount: ~3300

Siri and Jungkook did, in fact, get sick after their rainy first date, but they got sick together.

She handled being sick better than he did, though. Jungkook is a pouty baby when he's unwell.

For the five days he was sick, he needed his girlfriend to hold him and give him head scratches. If he didn't have Siri nearby, he couldn't rest very well. When she happened to get better after only two days, Jungkook didn't want her to go to uni, he wanted her to stay home with him. Unfortunately, she had to leave her big baby for her classes, but she'd come back at lunch to check on him and feed him.

Ever since they got together, they created a little domestic routine during dinner time. Whenever Siri cooked meals for them, Jungkook would always be there with her, helping her chop up veggies, or he'd just be there giving her back hugs and she'd feed him bits of food— and being sick didn't stop him from doing that.

Rather than resting on the couch or in her bed, Jungkook would be right behind Siri, back hugging her with his chin on her shoulder where he'd almost doze off standing like that. He had his woman in his arms for comfort while being a mopey baby, so he was content, but not resting was the main reason he was sick for longer.

Near the end of Jungkook's illness, Siri had aunt flo arrive for the first time in their relationship, and during that time, the roles were reversed. She became the pouty clingy one which was new for Jungkook, but he wasn't complaining. He actually adored seeing Siri in such a way— although he quickly learned she was much more sensitive.

While she had her period, Jungkook found out the hard way that any movie with dogs in it would make his girlfriend cry. He most definitely thought it was his worst idea ever to suggest they watch the movie 'Hachi: A Dog's Tale' one night.

Siri bawled and couldn't stop crying for almost an hour, and the only thing Jungkook could think of to make her feel better was to put on compilations of funny dogs on YouTube, and then clips where cats are assholes.

Since there was no sexy time during aunt flo week, Jungkook took that chance and asked Siri if she could pierce his lip. He thought it was better to get it done while he couldn't go down on her, and Siri agreed. Now, he has two lip piercings, and he looked extra sexy in Siri's opinion.

A couple months easily passed by for the couple where it was coming up to the final exams. This meant graduation wasn't too far away for them. Their love and relationship was still in the delightful honeymoon phase, and since Jin's birthday and Christmas weren't too far away, Jungkook wanted to ask Siri a question that would take their relationship to the next step.

"Hey baby, do you think you'd like to come to Jin-hyung's birthday dinner?" He asks her just as they're walking out of their final class of the year together, hands entwined, lightly swinging between them.

"Jin's birthday dinner? Like... with your family?"

"Yeah," he smiles softly.

Siri's heart raced a little bit. She felt nervous at the thought of meeting Jungkook's parents. She knows she doesn't really have to worry about them judging her since she's heard Jungkook say they aren't like the typical asian parents, but still... It's meeting the parents.

"If you're worried, I talk about you all the time whenever I go over for dinner, and I've even shown them photos of us. My eomma and appa want to meet you."

"They want to meet me?" Siri swallows thickly. Even though Jungkook has met her parents, meeting his parents was more nerve wracking for some reason.

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