33~ We Need To Talk

889 96 185

Wordcount: ~6300

A thorn in her side. That's how Siri would describe Karina. An annoying little prick that keeps digging into her skin, but rather than bleed blood, Siri bleeds anger, irritation, jealousy, and hate.

Ever since Siri confronted Karina at the restaurant bathroom a few weeks ago, the two have been in a silent war, all while the man they were fighting over remained completely oblivious to the tension between them.

It started off with Karina conveniently showing up whenever Siri and Jungkook had plans. She'd slip herself into their conversations, make her laughter louder and linger longer than necessary, and she'd often brush her hand against Jungkook whenever she could, just to piss Siri off.

With each encounter, passive-aggressive comments would be swapped between the girls. That was until Karina decided to be a little more petty where she tried to physically embarrass Siri.

During brunch one morning at a cafe, Karina 'accidentally' knocked her smoothie over, causing it to get all over Siri's hoodie (which actually belonged to Jungkook). Since Karina had already made a few jibes at Siri that morning, she expected her to lash out. She was actually trying to make Siri get mad at her where she hoped Jungkook would see an ugly side of his girlfriend, and then have to defend his long-time friend.

However, Karina didn't know about the couple's past where Jungkook has already seen the so-called 'ugly' sides of Siri when they were enemies— which was actually the side of her that made him fall for her initially.

And unfortunately for Karina, Siri didn't get upset. Instead, she took that chance to take off the dirty hoodie, revealing her tight tank top underneath which held her big beautiful breasts nicely.

Siri had a feeling something like this would happen. Her instincts told her that things might get physical with Karina one day, so whenever she knew Karina would be around, Siri made sure to wear more revealing and attractive clothes underneath the jackets, hoodies and jerseys she'd wear. She wore them knowing Jungkook loves her tits and her body, and she also noticed that Karina's breasts weren't exactly an eyeful— or even a handful— so she flaunted her curves to make Karina feel insecure.

And to add to Siri's pettiness, those hoodies and jerseys she'd wear belonged to Jungkook, so she'd wear them as often as she could, just to shove it in Karina's face.

But since that hoodie was actually Jungkook's, he was the one who got upset at Karina, complaining to her that the "green shit in the smoothie better be easy to come off." That obviously made his friend feel bad and insecure for the rest of that day, much to Siri's delight.

After that incident, Karina realised inserting herself into Siri and Jungkook's space was the wrong move. She figured out she needed to get Jungkook away from Siri. Needed to get him alone. With her.

Karina's plan of action now involved 'chance' or 'surprise' meetings where she knew Jungkook would be alone or without Siri. She also used excuses that dragged him away from his girlfriend, all while she feigned innocence.


Sorry baby! Karina needs
my help with moving some
stuff around her parents place
so I can't come over till later.
Will let you know when I'm
done and on the way!


Hey baby, Riri wants me to go
shopping with her for her dad's
bday that's coming up soon.
I'll b over after xoxo

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