23~ Dance With Me

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Wordcount: ~9100 

The wedding ceremony was beautiful

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The wedding ceremony was beautiful.

From what Siri could see, anyway.

She didn't bother to watch her sister walk down the aisle. She didn't even turn her body to face her sister. Didn't want to give her the attention she wanted. She kept her eyes low on Jungkook's hand instead which was laced with hers, tracing over his tattoos and his veins— which was why she thought the ceremony was beautiful since she was only looking at his beautiful manly hands.

While Siri had her eyes on Jungkook's hand, she failed to notice there were eyes on her.

Jungkook obviously wasn't looking at the bride walking down the aisle since he couldn't give two shits about her. He was looking at Siri. Admiring her. Feeling happy he was here with her. Thinking she looked stunning in the mermaid dress, and that she was cute for playing with his hand instead.

It was maybe only fifteen minutes ago when Jungkook had the epiphany that he could be in love with Siri. He wasn't one hundred percent certain it was love as he didn't understand his feelings, and he was mainly going off what Jin, Jackson and Siri's father seemed to believe.

He just couldn't understand how his feelings for her came to be because he was so sure he didn't want to fall in love— well, not yet anyway. But like Siri told him two nights ago, you can't exactly tell yourself to not fall in love. It can grow or just happen. Can come when you least expect it, and can be for someone you don't expect.

Falling in love was certainly something Jungkook didn't expect to happen anytime soon, and Siri was definitely someone he didn't expect to have feelings for. He thought maybe he could just be infatuated with her, but he wasn't even sure what the difference between love and infatuation was.

Am I in love?? Jungkook wasn't sure, but one thing he knows for certain is that he has very strong feelings for Siri. Feelings he's never felt for anyone before.

And there were a few questions on his mind, too. Does Siri feel anything romantic for me?

Would she want something more than being just friends? Would she even trust me to try become something more?

Or would she want to stay as friends with benefits since she might not be ready for anything serious?

Wait... Am I even ready for anything serious??

A part of me wouldn't mind giving us a go... I won't know unless I try, right?

But hang on a minute! I told her the other night I didn't want to fall in love! And I basically implied that I hadn't found the 'right one' yet when she could possibly be the one!

Fuck, have I ruined my chances with her already??

Jungkook really wanted to call his big brother, Jin, to ask for advice. Jin's been in love before and still is. He's been waiting for his ex-girlfriend to come back from working overseas for a year. She'll be moving back at the end of this year, and Jungkook knows Jin is going to ask her if they can get back together since they only split up due to the distance.

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