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"Let's go people, let's go!" I yell as I make sure I have the twins' things packed. Today is the day that Spencer gets an award for being the best football player and we all need to be there. The only issue is getting out of the house.

It's been such a hectic 7 months and I can't even get a grip of things. The twins are officially sleeping through the night, Angel and Lani have been fighting more, and Spencer and I have repaired our marriage and renewed our vows.

"Mommy, MOMMY!! I CAN'T FIND MY SHOE!" Jeez, this girl refuses to look for anything. I see her run down the stairs and I hand her shoes.

"Baby, can you fix my tie? I want to look presentable when I get up there." Spencer says as I fix his tie, an hour late...not surprised.

We finally get ourselves together, hop in the car, and head to the ceremony. We usually let the kids stay home with the nanny due to all the publicity but there are new beginnings for everything..right?


"You two are the perfect couple

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"You two are the perfect couple. I admire y'all so much. Balancing all this while making time for one another, that's love right there." One of the coach's wives states.

"Thank you. It is a lot but as long as we have each other, I know we will have some thick and thin moments but we always get through them. " I tell her as she nods. 

"One more thing before I go, your babies are beautiful, you have a wonderful and beautiful family Spencer. Both of y'all don't take that for granted." She tells us as we nod. We know that full well. 

I am so happy and ecstatic for Spencer because I know how much he's been working. We both work now, he plays football and I run a business. Life has been busy but at least we get to celebrate each other's accomplishments, one way or another. 


Man, life has been good. Liv and I worked on our marriage and now we are in a place that we are happy with, the twins are starting to crawl, Angel is teething, and Lani has grown a bigger and bolder attitude. 

Liv and I have been so busy that we haven't had a date night in 4 weeks, and I think I owe my wife some alone time. She's been juggling motherhood and work while I've been juggling football and fatherhood, so we need some time with each other. 

"What you over here daydreaming about?" Liv asks as I smile. There has been something on my mind ever since I saw her in the dress and let's just say that I cannot wait to get home tonight.

"I'm daydreaming about how you'll be screaming my name later and how I'm gonna put it down," I whisper in her ear as she raps me in a hug and we kiss.

"I'm daydreaming about how you'll be screaming my name later and how I'm gonna put it down," I whisper in her ear as she raps me in a hug and we kiss

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"Mhm, let's go to the bathroom, spare some time. You know Mrs. Elaine wouldn't mind watching the kids for a few minutes." She says as I slightly grab her ass. 

Elaine is coach's wife and if she's down, I'm down. She loves our kids like they're her own. She's the only person we trust the kids with. We send the kids over there as Liv and I head to the family bathroom. 


Spence and I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. He places me on the sink and we start making out immediately. Now that we can hardly get alone time, we have to make the best out of certain situations, even if that means fucking in the family restroom. 

"Mhm, take this off

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"Mhm, take this off. God, look at you. You're so damn beautiful. You always wonder why you end up pregnant, it's because of how hot you are and because of how much sex we have." He tells me as he pulls me closer. 

He slides down my zipper and watches as my dress falls to the ground. He looks at me with the hungriest eyes and starts sucking on my tits. This is the first time we've had sex since having the twins, I'd say it'll be worth the wait. 

"Jesus Spencer, why do you do that so well?" I ask as he moves back and forth between them. Eventually, he moves down between my thighs and soon reaches my clit. He slowly slides his fingers in and out gently, earning several moans from me. 

"Fuuuuck, right there. Oh my God...your fingers feel so good." I tell him as he looks up at me. He keeps that steady pace until he decides to tease and move faster. 

"Oh, how I missed this. Goddamn, you feel so good." He tells me as he keeps going. This man has some hold over me and I don't know what it is but as long as it continues, I'm good.


I missed this. The intimate connection that I have with my wife. Now that we're here in the family bathroom, I have all control and it feels great. I slowly move my fingers in and out as I insert them one by one. 

"Shit, Spencer, oh my god...keep going, I'm gonna cum." She tells me as I pick up the pace. 

"FUUUUUUCCCCCK, OH MY GOD...Thank you, babe, I needed that." She says as I finish off. 

"You taste so good," I say as I lick her juices off my fingers and wash my hands. Before I take her off the sink, I make out with her for a good 30 minutes, just in time for me to get my award and chill with the team and kids. 

ITS OUT!!!! The first chapter of the sequel

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ITS OUT!!!! The first chapter of the sequel. Writing this was crazy but fun. I will be mainly writing this in Spencer and Olivia's POV until I add some of the characters which will hopefully be in the next 2-3 chapters. 

Spelivia is busy being parents and working jobs. Liv owns a multi-million dollar real estate firm while Spence still plays for the NFL. These two are freakier than ever and expect more sex scenes in future chapters...since they were constantly fighting last book, let's make them happier in this book. 

Chapter Questions: How do you feel about Spelivia fixing their marriage? What should they do for a date night? How should Lani and Angel resolve their arguments? Should Elaine become the kids' nanny? Any specific things you want to see?

Let me know if you like the first chapter in the comments!!! 

My One and Only update coming soon...

Please comment, vote, and recommend. I hope you all love this book just as much as you loved the other one. Comment and let me know your thoughts. Feel free to private message me too if that feels more comfortable. 


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