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Lately, Liv's been avoiding me and not making me happy. I've done everything to show her that I care, but no matter what I do, it's always not enough, so today I decided to snoop around her office while she was at a showing. 

She just seems like such an interesting person, I figured it wouldn't hurt to get to know her more. Snooping her office was the least harmful thing that could've been done yesterday. I walk into her office and lightly close the door knowing I have an hour and a half to spare.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY OFFICE?" Liv asks as she walks in. I lost track of time and am not a good liar either. 

"Liv, just calm down. I was looking for um, some paperwork, and here it is." I tell her as I stop her in her tracks and smile, then wink at her.

" I tell her as I stop her in her tracks and smile, then wink at her

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"Get out of my office. I have to meet with some clients but when I finish that, we're having a long conversation because one I hate liars, and two, security footage never lies." She says as she escorts me out and closes her door.

Fuck, I really thought that would work. I usually can win women over by saying that but I guess she's over here big-balling. I found nothing important on her desk, although their "whole" family is throwing a neighborhood block party, and who knows, I might show up. I always love a good time and free food. 



This week is filled with activities. Today is the day of the neighborhood block party, and I hope all sorts of peace and love happen because if shit pops off, it's gonna get wild. Liv isn't feeling too good, so I am out buying things and making sure my wife feels 10x better. 

I have all 4 kids with me and now I understand Liv's struggle. Motherhood is no joke, and I am so impressed that she has time to do all this. Since today is the block party, Liv has been perfecting everything and ensuring things look great. 

"Babe, does this look good here? Fuck. Nope, it doesn't, can you help me move this?" She asked as I just walked up behind her wrapped my hands around her waist and picked her up. 


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