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Spencer and Olivia have been giving each other the cold shoulder. From the event at Disney to the 2 pregnancy tests on the counter, they were both angry with each other. Like always, mornings in this house were very, very quiet. 

Spencer was already at practice while Liv was home with 2 sick kids. She'd always hate that he'd have to leave when something major occurs, either with her or the kids. She had back-to-back meetings, and she had no other choice, but to take her kids with her.

"Okay babies, here are some ground rules. When mommy's working please don't disrupt me. If you need help with anything, Mrs. Darcy is next to my office. I have meetings all day, so it will be boring, so bring something to fulfill your entertainment." Olivia tells her 2 older babies. 

"Okay, Mommy!" They both say in unison and go get ready. 

Olivia knew it was going to be a rough morning, and she was ready for it

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Olivia knew it was going to be a rough morning, and she was ready for it. Meeting her new partner was exciting but she was not expecting him to look as good as he did. 


This is the one thing that I didn't want to do. Take the kids to work with me. It's unfortunate because I am working all day, but like they say, they wanted to go see Daddy because he has a fun job. 

I don't mind Spencer working but I am upset because he left without saying goodbye. I know that might seem like a dumb thing, but that's what we said we were going to do when one of us left early, and now, I'm trying to figure out what's wrong.

"Liv, Michael is here to see you." My assistant says as I get myself situated. 

"Hi Michael, It's so good to meet you," I tell him as he finally

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"Hi Michael, It's so good to meet you," I tell him as he finally. takes a sit in my office. He looks good in my eyes. He's good-looking and I think that we'll work great together. 

"You too. I am so glad that I am here and thank you for giving me that opportunity." He tells me as I smile and nod my head. 

We continue our conversation and get to know each other the best way that we can. I can tell that he will be a lot of help when it comes to the business and that is just what I need. Someone who is just as dedicated as me. 


I feel bad for the way that I left things with Liv, so I decided to surprise her and the kids at work. I stop by the store grab some cards and flowers, and then head down to the office.  I see that Liv is in a meeting, so I stop by Darcy's office and see the girls. 

"Alright, bye, It was so good meeting you." I hear my wife say as I walk into Darcy's office. 

"Oh, hey baby, what brings you here?" She asks me seemingly in a better mood than yesterday. 

"These are for you

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"These are for you. Just an apology for how I've been acting lately and everything. You don't deserve this and I am genuinely sorry. I hope you can forgive me, I also brought your favorite." I tell her as she smiles.

"I'm sorry too. We both have things to improve on and I know we both are super busy, so I won't hold it against you. I am also sorry for not telling you about the pregnancy tests. I was just stressed and I don't want any more kids right now." She tells me I agree with that.

I gather the girls, and we all eat in Liv's office. I offer to take the kids back to the house since I know that Liv has 3 showings this afternoon, and she agrees. If anything, I got off work so I could be with them, and I know that Liv will be getting sick sooner than later. 


Spencer and Olivia parted ways, with Olivia going to show some houses, and Spencer taking the kids home. Both of these parents deserved a date night, and Spencer will do ANYTHING to make that happen. Luckily, tomorrow is Friday, and not too busy. 

Spencer makes reservations at Nobu and he knows that he has some sincere apologizing and making up to do, even if that means proposing again. Spelivia has been through so much, and they want to be able to have trust, honesty, and loyalty to each other. 

Spencer and the kids arrive at the house, and he immediately puts them down for naps. Naps with these kids turn into an all-day event, they decide that they don't want to be sick anymore and run around the house.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop running. You're gonna make yourself throw up." He tells them as Angel starts jumping on the couch and instantly throws up. 

Once Lani sees Angel throwing up, she throws up, causing a ripple between the 2 oldest siblings. Not only does Spencer have to keep watch of them, he hears the twins crying. He's stressed and now sees why Liv is constantly exhausted and tired when he gets off work. This is going to be a long afternoon.


Liv walks in the door to complete silence. Kicking off her shoes, she puts her things down and sits on the couch getting ready to take a nap. Even though it was only 2 PM, she needed her sleep, and since she had sick kids, morning sleep wasn't a thing. 

"Achoo, oh lord, here I go." She says to herself as she snuggles up on the couch...




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