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Liv is at home sick, so I called Coach and told him that I'd be missing practice, and unfortunately, that meant that I couldn't play in the game this weekend. Liv looks miserable and I can tell that this sickness, is getting the worst of her.

I took her to the doctor and she has a fever of 102 and is throwing up like crazy. The doctor said that it's just stress and to be honest, I believe him. This woman will work from all hours of the day to all hours of the night. She is the breadwinner.

"Spencer, I feel like shit. I have a house that I need to sell and if I don't get it done, I lose one of the most important clients of my life. We have to go." She tells me as I laugh. even when she's sick, she's money-hungry.

"Babe, don't worry about it. All that matters is that you get better. When we get to the house, go lie down and get some sleep because I know how tired you must be. I must stop by the facility and grab something after I drop you off, but I'll be back." I tell her as we pull up in the driveway.

I help her out of the car and pull her close to me. I don't mind getting sick, but as much as I want to kiss her, I know how exhausted she's going to be if she doesn't sleep. I walk her inside the house, and up to our room.


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"Mmm...stay with me." She says as we enter the room.

"As much as I would love to, we can't risk it. Someone needs to watch the kids, but I promise tonight after the kids go to bed, I'm here to cater to all of your needs. As for right now, I need my wife to rest, okay?" I tell her as she nods.

I tuck her into bed, kiss her, and head off to the facility. Coach told me about a new athletic trainer, so I am showing him around the facility. I just hope that I can get back before Liv wakes up.


Spencer arrives at the training facility, to see a woman looking around. He walks up to the doors, questioning how she was able to pass on private property. He walks out of his car, and walks up to the doors, approaching the woman.

"Excuse ma'am, this is private property and only players and staff members are allowed here," Spencer states as she chuckles.

"Oh, my goodness, where are my manners? I'm Ka'leen Donaldson, the athletic trainer." She tells him as he looks stunned.

This was not what he expected

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This was not what he expected. He thought that the name Ka'leen was a guy's name. He looks the woman up and down and then swipes his key card, letting her and himself inside the building, ready to give her a tour.


"So, that's the place and the rundown of how things flow. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. That is my personal number and underneath it is my email. It was really good to meet you Ka'leen." Spencer says as they step outside.

"You too, Spencer. Yes, I will reach out whenever I need anything. I cannot wait to start working with you and, the team, but you especially." She tells him as he rubs the back of his head.

They both went their separate ways, and Spencer grabbed some medicine on the way home, already knowing that Liv was up and moving around the house. He entered the kitchen to see her and the kids cooking.


I woke up and decided to call Ms. Grace and ask her to bring the kids home. I figured that since we're all sick, we should just be around each other and enjoy this company.

The twins haven't necessarily come down with anything, so we're keeping them over there for now. We start working on dinner when we hear the garage door open.

"Looks like Daddy's home," I tell them as they run to the door.

"Hi, my loves, who brought you back home, and look who's awake." He says as he gives me a look.

I know he wants the best for me and for me to get better, but he forgets that his wife is such a busybody and is always doing shit.

" I couldn't stay in the bed all day. I wanted to see my girls so I called your mom and she brought them over, I also ordered some groceries so we could cook." I tell him as he sets his bags down.

"You're so stubborn, but I love you and do your thing

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"You're so stubborn, but I love you and do your thing. Just be careful. I will be in the living room if you need me, but I'm serious, tonight I'm catering to you." He tells me as I kiss him. 

I just love this little life that we are making. I don't want to jinx it but I feel like our communication and understanding for each other was better than it has ever been. I am so glad that I have him as a husband, and I don't regret it. 

Hey guys! I wanted to add some fluff in this chapter so no angst sadly, but I got you guys next chapter. Spencer has a new athletic trainer, and Liv has a new co-worker. Both of them are working on better communication and yes, expect jealousy to come in the next few chapters. 

They both start to feel uncomfortable with who they're working with, and they start feeling some type of way about each other's co-workers. It's going to be a long ride full of love, joy, heartbreak, and so much more.

Chapter Questions: How do you feel about this chapter? How do we feel about Michael and Ka'leen? Which co-worker is making a move first? More Spelivia moments?

Thanks so much for reading! I appreciate it. Please like, comment, and recommend.

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