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* This song describes how much a mother cares for her kids! It makes me so emotional thinking about it. Beyonce did her big one with this song, as a matter of fact, the whole album. If you want to take a listen...

Album: Cowboy Carter 

Song: Protector

Artist: Beyoncé


Morning sickness is no joke. As much as I enjoy being pregnant, this is one of the things that I hate. While sitting on the floor, I give myself some time to reflect. Reflect on things like life, marriage, this pregnancy, and the lost babies. 

I've tried hard not to think negatively, but I can't help but remember all of the wonderful kids I've lost along the way. My babies are my pride and joy but the ones that aren't here weigh on my heart heavily. 

"Baby, you okay?" Spencer asks as he softly knocks on the door. 

"Yeah, come in babe," I tell him as he opens the door and looks confused. 

"Why are you on the floor? Are you sure you're okay?" He asks as he gets on the floor and I rest my head on his shoulder. 

"Yeah, I'm good babe, I promise

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"Yeah, I'm good babe, I promise. I'm just thinking and reflecting. I'm on the floor for a specific reason...but I have to show you better than I can tell you." I tell him as he chuckles.

"Okay...and what are you thinking and reflecting on?" He asks as I sigh and get up. 

"A lot babe, a lot. Life, our marriage, the kids, the babies we lost...and the one we're about to welcome...soo...that's also why I've been in here throwing up." I tell him as he just nods his head. 

"Yeah, well....you know I got you, and whatever you need, let me know and I'll handle it." He tells me as our foreheads touch. 


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