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Spending the night at the hospital was not on our agenda at all. We came here for a vacation and here we are, in the hospital waiting to see what's wrong with our baby girl. She still hasn't woken up, and I am trying to keep Liv calm as well as pray for my baby girl. 

I am so glad that Lani told us when she did. We went into the room and Angel looked so pale. She was still breathing, but she was cold to the touch. I saw the panic in Liv's eyes and knew I had to be strong for both of us. 


"ANGEL!! NO, NO, NO, Spencer, she's cold to the touch. I feel a little pulse but we have to get her to the hospital fast. Mama's here, stay with me baby girl, I'm not leaving." Liv tells Angel as she carries her to the car. 

"Spencer, I don't care what you have to do, but if needed, fuck the speed limit, our child is more important. I'll call the hospital because I need them to be prepared. God, this is all my fault. We got so wrapped up in our moment that I didn't even know my daughter fainted." Liv rambled on but I didn't want to stress her even more, so I'll reassure her when we get to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital and the doctor took Angel. We had Lani with us and thankfully my close friend Darnell traveled with us, so he was able to watch the twins. I just hope that everything is okay with my baby girl.


"Family of Angel James...Hi, nice to meet you. So, we ran some tests and found a few things that caused this. Okay, bare with me. In the first scan we did, we found out that she had vasovagal syncope. Now, this usually happens in the preteen-teenager phase, but it is rare for a small child to get it. Secondly, we tested her blood sugar levels, and they were extremely low. After conducting this lab, we found out that she has diabetes. I am so sorry. She is awake and in room 143 if you want to see her." The doctor says. 

Liv immediately gets up and heads that way. I can't blame her. Lani and I follow her into the room and I see Angel up and interacting with things. It makes me so happy that she is okay. On the other hand, Liv's tear-stained eyes say otherwise. 

I walk over and kiss her cheek reassuring her that everything will be okay, there is something about this story that isn't adding up, and I will find out what it is. '


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My baby is in the hospital and I cannot help but feel guilty. As a mother, we should know what's going on with our kids and it makes me question what I missed. I thought everything was fine and when we took her to the doctor. everything was fine. 

I step out of her room and let the tears fall. I never like crying in front of the kids because I want them to be okay and not panic if I am crying. Seeing her in the hospital bed brings me so much emotion because she was my first baby and now she's in the hospital with diabetes and vasovagal syncope. 

"Babe, Liv, don't cry. This is not your fault. Don't bet yourself up for this." Spencer tells me as I cry into his shoulder. 

"It is my fault, Spencer. I didn't see the signs and now Angel is here lying in a hospital bed. Who knows what happened? Did she fall? Hit her head? Gosh, I am a horrible mother." I say as Spencer comforts me. 

"No Liv, you're not a horrible mother. We can ask Lani what happened but please baby, don't beat yourself up. We don't know what happened until we get the results back. We will figure the out okay?" He tells me as he holds my neck. 

He is my safe haven and I wouldn't be able to get through this without him

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He is my safe haven and I wouldn't be able to get through this without him. It's going to be a long night, but I hope that we can eventually get the truth of what happened because I need to know why my baby is in a hospital. 


Spencer and Olivia wanted to know what happened and the only person to know was Lani. They didn't want to think that the worst had happened but it was out in the open. Liv was stressed, frustrated, busy, and tired and she was a few minutes from exploding. 

"Okay Lani, we just want to know what happened?" Spencer says as he and Liv sit next to her in the room/

"Well, I was playing with her and then she took my toy, so I tried to grab it from her and she fell and that's when she fainted," Lani tells them and all Liv sees is red. 

Spencer looks at Liv and can tell she is about to go off. He wants his wife to let her anger out but he also doesn't want Lani in the middle of it. Liv just walks back into the room and he knows that now there will be extreme tension in the house.

"Okay baby girl, how about we go check on the twins and you can go stay with Uncle D," Spencer tells her as she nods her head

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"Okay baby girl, how about we go check on the twins and you can go stay with Uncle D," Spencer tells her as she nods her head. 

"Mommy's mad isn't she?" Lani asks as Spencer just sighs. 

He knew his wife was mad but it was best if she took her anger out on him because he knew how to control it not Lani. He'd have to deal with that when he comes back. 


Questions: Was Lani in the wrong for what she did? Does Liv have a right to feel what she feels? Is Spencer handling this the right way?

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