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(THIS CHAPTER IS INSPIRED BY @ChrisElizondo7. He has helped me a ton on both stories so thank you!)



Liv and I are having a little friendly get-together with our friends and office staff, so Michael will be back at the house. I wish this nigga would just disappear and leave me and my lovely family alone.

"Baby please, when he gets here, just be calm, don't fight, and do it for me. Remember, we have the kids here too." She tells me and never in a million years is it my intention to hurt anyone, but if you touch my wife, I will fuck you up.

"Liv, don't worry about me

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"Liv, don't worry about me. I have everything covered. Let's have fun." I tell her as she nods, here goes nothing.


"Liv, thank you for inviting us, it was so fun. Bye." I hear one of the last guests say. Now, it is me, Liv, Michael, and the kids, and I do not trust this man at all.

"Oh Michael, let me introduce you to our kids. Lelani, Angel, and our twins, Amara and Andre." She says as they all come up and shake his hand.

"Damn Liv, they're beautiful, and I know that we would make such beautiful babies too." He said as he put his hands on her waist, and I lost it.

Fighting was not on my radar today, but look, things change. I continue beating the shit out of him until I remember my audience. Yes, I have a past but I never show that around Liv and the kids. I look behind me and see all of them crying, shit, what have I done?


I haven't seen this side of Spencer in forever, and now that it is coming back out, I am scared

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I haven't seen this side of Spencer in forever, and now that it is coming back out, I am scared. Not just for me, but for my kids. He can't just lash out like this when someone gets on his nerves or messes with him.

I take the kids upstairs while Spencer does what he needs. I will not have my children around all of that, especially since it is their father doing all the fighting. I grab some suitcases out of the closet and ask Lelani to do the same thing.

"Why Mommy? I wanna stay!" She yells as I just look at her.

"Lelani Elizabeth James, grab your suitcase and go pack, NOW! Make sure you have clothes for at least 2 weeks." I tell her as she grabs it and runs into her room. My tears get the best of me, and I break down crying, this is not who I married.

I walk into the bedroom and start throwing shit into my suitcase. I don't even care for what the hell I bring, I just need out of here. I see Spencer walk into the room, and as much as I want to hug him, I am afraid of what he'd do to me or the kids when this happens.

"Liv's I'm so sorry. I know you hate that side of me and I promised you that you'd never see it again. Baby, come on. You know how I feel when I see a man put his hands on you, I go into protector mode." He tells me as I slowly turn around, face him, and throw my hands up.

"It's that right there Spencer

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"It's that right there Spencer. I appreciate you for protecting me, but putting your hands on someone, I can't Spencer. You told me that Crenshaw Spencer would be left behind, and you wouldn't harrass or hurt anyone. We need a break, Spencer." I tell him as he just stares at me.

I know that what I said was a shocker, but I need to give him space because what if one of the kids or I make him mad, will he lash out at us? I can't have that happen and I cannot let the kids see this side of their father. I am doing what is best for us, even though it might not seem like it.


"What do you mean we need a break Olivia?" Spencer asks with a worried tone in his voice.

"All I'm saying is, go to counseling Spencer. You're jealousy has gotten the best of you and to be honest, I'm scared. Scared of what you could do if one of the kids make you mad, or if I make you mad, and I can't be walking on eggshells in my own house." Olivia tells him as he rubs his head.

Part of him understood where she was coming from, the other side didn't. He knew his wife was doing this for a good reason, but after she left the first time, it was hard on him, and he knew he'd struggle. He grabbed her hands and looked her in the eyes.
"Baby, please." He begs her as she zips up her bag.

"When you get yourself together, call me and then  maybe we can talk, but until then, I can't have myself worried about me and my kids safety. We'll be at your moms, so we will be okay." She tells him as she walks out the room and helps get the kids situated.

Liv made sure her babies had everything packed and headed straight for the car. She knew they needed this break and that it was for the best, the question is...would they stay loyal while on a break.


It's 10 at night and I hear a knock on my door, I don't usually get visitors, so this takes me by surprise. I heard about Michael and Spencer's fight and Mike was wrong.

I walk up to the door and ask who it is. To my surprise, it's someone I least expected.

"It's Spencer, can we talk?" He asks.

I let him in and maybe tonight I'll be lucky.


Chapter Questions: Was Liv right for asking for a break? Do you think Spencer's gonna stay loyal? Is Michael gonna come back?


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