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Tonight is one of those nights that I don't want to end. We arrived at the restaurant and were instantly taken to a private room in the back. Having nights like this makes all the trouble and issues go away. 

Spencer knows the way to my heart, and tonight, I will find the way to his. I bought him a gift that he's been wanting, and I thought tonight would be a great night to give it to him. We get seated and I can't help but to just admire him.

"What you looking at me like that for?" He asks as he takes a sip of his scotch. 

"I'm just admiring you. You look hot." I tell him as he slowly places his hand on my thigh.

" I tell him as he slowly places his hand on my thigh

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"I also just want you to know how much I love you. We might have had some rocky and rough moments throughout our relationship but I knew that you and I would get through it. If anything, I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Geez, I'm getting emotional. You have shown me that no matter what happens, you've got my back and I love you for that." I tell him as I wipe my tears. 

He looks me in the eyes before bringing me in for a kiss. One that I long for. I miss it when it was just us. No kids, no interupptions, and no arguments or fights. Just love and dates. I hope that we can start that again because Lord knows we need it. 

"Baby, words cannot describe how thankful I am for you

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"Baby, words cannot describe how thankful I am for you. I know that our anniversary isn't until next week, but I took it upon myself and got you an early anniversary gift. I know that I have shown you that I have taken our love for granted, but baby, nothing in this world compares to you. So, after dinner, I'm taking you to a hotel, and we're spending the night there, trust me, it'll be worth it." He tells me right as our food comes. 

We enjoyed our dinner and dessert and then headed out to the hotel

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We enjoyed our dinner and dessert and then headed out to the hotel. To my surprise, Spencer had a surprise before that of taking me to where we first met. Meeting him was my safe haven and I enjoyed this trip down memory lane, but I was ready for bed. Tonight was great, but I also miss my babies and plan on calling them before I go to bed. 


Coming back to the hotel, I had a surprise up my sleeve. I know Liv is not fond of surprises but I know she'll like this one. It took quite a few hours to get everything together. We walk into the hotel room when Liv tells me she needs to change. 

I nod my head and set out a few of the finishing touches. Luckily, the way this room is shaped, Liv can't see anything. I sit on the bed and wait for her to come out, not expecting what she was wearing. 

"Babe, you ready?" She asks me as I walk into the bathroom.

"Shit, Liv, goddamn you look good," I tell her as I hug her from behind. She was getting fucked tonight, and I just know it'll be crazy. We need intimacy since it's been a minute. 

"Thank you, now let's see if you can top this outfit." She tells me as I laugh. As much as I love that outfit, it'll be shreds by the time I see it again. 

I cover her eyes and walk her out to the bed. I uncover her tears seeing the tears instantly form. Being able to do all this stuff for my wife is something that I will never stop doing. She deserves the world and she will get it. 


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"Spencer Alonso James, this is stunning

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"Spencer Alonso James, this is stunning. How did you..." She says walking to the bed and opening the boxes. I watch her do that and then we eat all the fruit.



Spencer and Olivia finished up all their celebrating and were lying in bed talking to their kids. Spencer slowly traced his hand down to Olivia's thighs and started massaging them. Making sure not to get himself caught, he slowly but surely entered a finger into Liv's pussy.

Liv gave him a death stare as he continued moving his finger in and out. It took everything in Liv not to moan. The sensation that she was feeling was like no other. Spencer knows how to put it down. She finishes up the call with her kids and finally turns her attention to Spencer. 

"Mmmm, I can't stand you. You just couldn't wait huh?" She asked him as he nodded his hand and kissed his way back up her stomach, still keeping the slow movements of his finger. 

"You know I couldn't...plus, I know you appreciated it since the kids can talk for hours. I think you won't be able to stand me when I do this." He says as he enters another finger at slowly licks her left nipple. 

"Fuuuuckkkk...Spencer, oh my god." She says as she unclips her bra and pinches her nipples. He does this for another 5 minutes before he moves completely down between her legs. 

"You look good Liv, all wet and ready for me I see." He says as he takes her cilt into his mouth. He sucks and sucks until Liv is lost for words. Sooner rather than later, he enters his dick inside of her and nuts in her...prompting maybe a new baby...



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