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Mornings in this house are hectic. I used to be the first one up but now it's Liv. We've always tried to get a workout in together but usually one of us is sleeping or one of the kids always wakes up. This morning is different. Everyone is knocked out and I find the perfect opportunity to go spend some quality time with my wife. 

I walk into the exercise room and see Liv on the treadmill so I decide to do some jumping jacks. I need to get my blood pumping so that I can have a good day at practice and not have my muscles sore when I get back home. It's also the girls' Spring Break, so we're traveling somewhere special in a few days. 

"Damn, you just got here and you're sweating already, you training for something?" Liv asks as I finish off my 45 jumping jacks

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"Damn, you just got here and you're sweating already, you training for something?" Liv asks as I finish off my 45 jumping jacks. 

"Practice and trying to keep up with you. You've been doing it Liv, and I'm proud of you." I tell her as she blushes. 

"Don't get me riled up this morning. We got things to do. Speaking of, Angel has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so can you take her? I have to show a house but I'll be there after." She tells me as I agree. 

"Yeah, babe. No issue." I tell her in response. We finish up our workout and head to get the kids. 

Waking up the kids in the morning is my favorite thing to do. Just seeing their faces and everything, makes me feel so much joy, especially my son. Being a girl dad is one thing but raising a son is another. I embrace all my kids and see Liv just smiling at the embrace. I love the life we have created. 


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"Okay love you...and...you..and you...and you....and especially you. I'll see you guys around lunch." I say as I kiss the kids and my husband goodbye. I have a busy work schedule and have to leave early this morning, which is unusual because my mornings are usually free. 

Owning a business gets harder and harder by the day and I don't how I do it. I have to meet with this couple that recently moved from California and are looking for a house here. They seem super nice but you know, I can never be too careful. 

I ran to the closest coffee place and grabbed a coffee, knowing that I wasn't going to eat for the remainder of the morning. The bad thing is that it's pouring rain and I hate driving in this weather because you can never predict what happens. I drive to the house and wait for the couple to show up. 

"De'Shawn and Marie, Hi, I'm Olivia James, it's nice to meet you. You guys are such a beautiful couple. Let's go inside and see this lovely house so that I can get you guys home quickly. I hate that I brought you all out in this rain." I tell them as they laugh.

" I tell them as they laugh

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They were such a sweet couple but now I need to get home to my babies. I always love helping people settle into new homes and seeing the smiles on their faces when they are finally homeowners. It makes me feel like I did something correct. 

I make it home just in time for lunch and to my surprise, Spencer is home and he's cooking. I just love how we're able to still make time for one another and our little family. It's just super magical and I'm glad that we have no distractions whatsoever. 


"Nap time babies, Daddy and Mommy need some cuddle time and we can't do that if you gremlins are awake...so on the count of 3, you're gonna sleep...ready? 1...2...3...SLEEP!" I tell them as they look at me. 

The more I look at the twins, the more Olivia I see. I got lucky because Angel looked exactly like me but Amara and Andre looked EXACTLY like their mother. She's a beauty and I wouldn't mind another one, but only if they looked like her. 

I rock the kids to sleep and go downstairs, seeing the living room set up for a movie. This woman sure does know the way to my heart. We only have a good hour/hour in a half, so sparing all the time we can is a plus. 

"I figured that since the kids are down, we could watch All American or Black Mafia Family

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"I figured that since the kids are down, we could watch All American or Black Mafia Family. We've been behind on watching some shows and we need to catch up. I am so glad that tomorrow is Saturday so that we can just chill, but I want to take you out tomorrow for dinner, how's that sound?" Liv says as she gets the popcorn from the microwave. 

"Babe, that sounds perfect. I'll call Elaine to see if she can watch the kids, and if she can't then I'll call my mom. Let's watch All American...I want to see what happens at the end of Season 5 when my man proposes to his girl." I tell her as she laughs. 

We sit down and watch the show for as long as we can until Liv falls asleep and Lani and Angel come down here fighting. All I want to do is relax and I can't even do that, I get up and help resolve this issue. 

I long for afternoons like these. Ones where I can just chill with my wife and now that I get that more often, I feel like one of the luckiest men alive. I know now that these hoes ain't worth it and I have all I need right here in this house, and I mean it this time. 

GUYS!!! This is the Spelivia that we are used to! I love them now that they are in their lovey-dovey era. I just love keeping them happy and I think that's what I am going to do for the majority of the group and I will keep them loyal too. There will be some conflicts between the couple but nothing like the last book. 

Limits will sometimes be tested and jealousy will happen. I know after everything that Spelivia has been through, they will continue to fight even if it's until their death. I will include more sex scenes so be prepared. 

Chapter Questions: Why do Lani and Angel keep fighting? Do we like this new version of Spelivia? Should they stay away from the new couple in town? Should Olivia and Spencer take each other on more dates? 

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote, comment, recommend, and add to your reading list. 

*Feel free to private message me if you prefer that instead. Also, add this and my 2 other books to your reading lists.* 


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